Raid failure

13 May 2006
Hi folks - begging for help here!
I have an Asus K8V SE running 4 hard drives on a 0+1 raid configuration. Yesterday I got a blu screen and when I rebooted I got the message "Array 1 is offline". When I go into the raid setup (fastrak 378 v 2.01) it tells me that 3 drives have failed. When I look at the drive assignments though it list all of the drives with only 1 assigned to Array 1 - all others being free. I tried disconnecting each drive in turn, the only effect it has is that it changes which drives are free and each has a turn at being assigned to array 1.
One thing I was going to try was to delete the array and re-create it - how to do this though without losing everything?
The board uses a Promise PDC20378 controller chip - I downloaded a set of instructions from Promise and it says you can do it - but "This will not be covered in this document"

Any ideas greatfully appreciated
I'm not sure if it's a m/b failure so will post there too

Thanks in advance for your kind assistance
The drives are actually OK - I tested them using the Maxtor utility and they all come back OK - I suspect the M/b to be honest but I don't have another that I can swap it out with. If I do replace the M/B - will it pick up the existing raid config - in other words is the config info stored on the drives themselves?
LuckyDoog said:
The drives are actually OK - I tested them using the Maxtor utility and they all come back OK - I suspect the M/b to be honest but I don't have another that I can swap it out with. If I do replace the M/B - will it pick up the existing raid config - in other words is the config info stored on the drives themselves?

Yes, I've suffered the same thing many times. If you have the Windows-based PAM utility installed the array will be rebuilt from within Windows. It's strange but I could find no way of doing this from the Promise BIOS setup screen, it insists the drives are not functional. Anyway, give it a try if you have not already.

As for swapping mobbos - if it's a Promise controller and you install the drives in the same sequence then the array should be picked up OK. If for some reason it didn't you could buy a PCI Promise TX2000 RAID controller and the data should be recoverable - that's what I did when the controller died on my ASUS P4B mobbo.
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I deleted the array (without deleting the boot sector)

Recreated the array manually and chose the "Create only" option as opposed to "Create & initialise"

Reboot and viola.

I still don't know why it did it in the first place though - I suppose I will just have to keep a nervouse eye on it.

Many thanks to everyone - much appreciated.
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