RAID Reporting Error

31 Dec 2006
Evening / Moring,

I've just had to reboot my computer after it crashed out trying to place a HD trailer with Quick Time, and on rebooting, my RAID is reporting that one of my drives has an error.

I've rebooted serveral times since, and the error still shows, but the system still boots and operates fine. I'm using a RAID0 setup, so I'm sure if it was a critical error, and I wouldnt be here right now!

Picture Of Error

Anyway, is there a way I can find out what the actual problem is?

If need by, the drives are only five months old, so can be replaced under warranty.

That's odd to say the least, normally with RAID0 if one of the drive so much as hiccups the game's up.

There's no error code to speak of so the controller itself isn't being much help. Is there any more detail if you look in the config utility?

The Seagate diagnostics tools would be a good next step but normally these don't work on RAID disks so you might be stuffed there too.
Just after posting this issue I looked in the config utility, and there was no mention of any issues / no where to see more details.

I also ran the Seagate diagnostic utility, the DST failed, but all other tests were fine.
Is this a Vista system? If so this is a known issue with Intel RAID controllers (this is an Intel controller right?). Seems that quicktime and the Intel RAID storage manager don't get on and triggers a 'false error' report. In the cases I have seen the system still boots OK from the 'failed' array. I solved this on a couple of customer systems by using the Intel Matrix Storage manager to set the failed drive to normal status. This problem is mentioned in the RAID driver release notes from Intel. See this:
i have the same problem (but its the first drive thats the "error") i too have quicktime installed and vista!) and nothing jumps out in the raid utility!
just downloaded intel raid software (mensioned in the other post) and that has fixed the problem, just right click on the program and click mark drive normal.

the program runs dog slow tho :confused: must be a vista thing lol
I've just had a similar problem (Intel matrix storage V7.5.0.1017)

Everything works fine but sometimes the computer might lockup on shutdown. If this happens i have no option but to press the power button for the usual 4 secs to get it to reboot. When it goes through the intel matrix on bootup it reports either one drive, usually device 1 or both drives to have an error. When i boot into windows i can usually just go into the Intel Matrix storage manager and just right click the drives in the array to remove the errors. The computer shuts down fine generally, just seems on the odd occasion it'll lock during the shutdown phase. If i could find out whats making it lock i think i might be able to sort it. I don't think i have Quicktime installed. The installation is only 2 days old.

Had me panicing though, i thought i had a dodgy drive in the array :eek:
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