** Raijintek High Performance CPU Coolers **

a h80 is about on par with a Mount Doom. the Mount doom performs a little better. depends what cpu its cooling of course.
Hard to argue with top end one at £31.99 I would say - seems to basically be a Thermalright Macho with a different fan from what I can tell ...
very similar to the macho in appearance. the base and heatpipe arrangement is a little better.

same sort of mounting mechanism style as it uses a long screwdriver [supplied] to mount
Why is the max temps on the Raijintek Aidos so high compared to the others when the 'current' temp in the screenshot is a more reasonable 58, very close to what the other coolers.

Raijintek Ereboss
55/ 58 max

Raijintek Themis
57/ 59 max

Raijintek Aidos
58/ 72 max

Doesn't make sense as the screenshots were all taken with prime95 still running. Kitguru's review doesn't show that massive max temp difference between them either and they're using a 3930k which should have a much bigger impact on the small 92mm cooler than the 4770k.

Seems like some other voltages/tests were run on the Raijintek Aidos making the performance difference between them seem bigger.
the themis looks amazing value, although I see from the kitguru review that it starts to fall apart a bit when OC'd.

the stats on the 120mm fan are pretty nice too, do you know if we'll see them seperately? could be the new budget rad fan of choice :)
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