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Raja Koduri, Radeon Technologies Boss, leaves AMD to Join Intel

17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
lol... Investors have no clue what to make of it :D https://seekingalpha.com/news/3310616-intel-hires-amds-chief-architect-radeon?uprof=55#email_link

Raraaaaaaahhhh does not compute PANIC!!!!!

26 Mar 2016
AMD would be foolish to sell off their Graphics arm, that would be the death of them.

But Intel may have wanted their Graphics arm to have some autonomy from the CPU arm before a partnership could be formed.

We don't know Intels exact plans yet. If Intel really decides to build gpus for gaming, then AMD will need to sell their gpu division. The GPU market is not big enough for 3 players and intel has the money to drive amd out of the market, if amd don't gain a lot of market share from nvidia with the next generations.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
We don't know Intels exact plans yet. If Intel really decides to build gpus for gaming, then AMD will need to sell their gpu division. The GPU market is not big enough for 3 players and intel has the money to drive amd out of the market, if amd don't gain a lot of market share from nvidia with the next generations.

Why? because Intel will command AMD to sell their GPU arm to them?

If AMD decide to get out of the GPU game, IE competing directly with nVidia they will do it by licencing their technology to the only chip designer / maker with the financial muscle to take nVidia on.

We may yet see Intel discrete GPU's and the end of AMD discrete GPU's but that will only happen if AMD wants it.
18 May 2010
Intel will miss out on the AI market which is a huge area of future growth if they don't develop their own GPU and diversify.

That's what I think is driving this rather than a consumer GPU. Although you never know they might end up making one if the tech is there.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Intel will miss out on the AI market which is a huge area of future growth if they don't develop their own GPU and diversify.

That's what I think is driving this rather than a consumer GPU. Although you never know they might end up making one if the tech is there.

Right, Intel are not interested in Gaming GPU's, its the computing side of it they want, 'need'.
12 Sep 2013
We don't know Intels exact plans yet. If Intel really decides to build gpus for gaming, then AMD will need to sell their gpu division. The GPU market is not big enough for 3 players and intel has the money to drive amd out of the market, if amd don't gain a lot of market share from nvidia with the next generations.

The gpu market is massive, It's not just PC, Both AMD & Nvidia have been branching out into vehicles, hospitals & the scientific world where they can take advantage of a gpu's number crunching capability. There's plenty of room for another competitor, Not having a third is holding us back if anything.
18 Oct 2002
Right, Intel are not interested in Gaming GPU's, its the computing side of it they want, 'need'.
They already compete very weel at the actual compute side of things. It is the specific domain knowledge of graphics where Intel lack IP to be as competitive as AMD. Intel Nervanna and Xeon Phi beat out Nvidia and AMD within their respective domains.
18 Oct 2002
He can be fired from his position of employment in the company. What they can't do is take his shares. His ownership is in shares, not in his employed position. I think you're confusing both parts as being the same thing.

Depends if his shares are vested yet, liekly only some of his shares. Shares are awarded as an incentive to stick with the company and make it successful, not to quit ASAP and make profit while you work at a competitor. A standard vesting schedule would be something like 0% after 2 years then 1/48th per month served or some such.
20 Dec 2004
Indirectly it has an effect though - stronger share price tends to reflect a stronger company that gives it more buying power, borrowing power and investor confidence, etc.

On a macro scale yes, but 4% day movement has absolutely zero effect on the business...it's just people trying to make a buck trading the volatility.
9 Dec 2016
Doesn't Raja joining Intel making collaborating with AMD with seem short term?
If Intel can develop better APU's with Raja's help without AMD collaborating then it doesn't seem a win for AMD. Seems the opposite.
that my friend is * casual sexism and won’t be tolerated - EVH *

Nice... that will help AMD :)
How, with this deal who is going to wait or buy Ryzen APU's?

Nice... that will help AMD :)
How, with this deal who is going to wait or buy Ryzen APU's?

It hasn't been, however some people were expecting 1080ti performance for 1070 money and 1050ti power draw so ended up really disappointed, they then blamed their disappointment on AMD not their outlandish expectations, then became so tunnel visioned on the hate they couldn't see any of the positive points or how it's not just a good card but the better card for a large number of buyers.

If it was then Nvidia would have sacked Jensen 10 times over by now XD
Winner Winner Chicken dinner
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13 Jan 2012
United Kingdom
With the recent news of Intel incorporating RTG tech into their mobile chips, plus the success of the Ryzen platform, makes you wonder if it wouldn't be better for AMD to just sell off RTG. Maybe Intel would be interested?

AMD could focus on CPU design and stop loosing so much money =P

That would be bad for us, then nvidia would have no competition.
19 Oct 2008
lol... Investors have no clue what to make of it :D https://seekingalpha.com/news/3310616-intel-hires-amds-chief-architect-radeon?uprof=55#email_link

Raraaaaaaahhhh does not compute PANIC!!!!!


Ha, the market is generally down at the moment so it's hard to read exact reasons for them all being down. Investors do of course often panic over unexpected news.NV are up overnight though due to good results being released again.
Mentioned elsewhere the whole things seems weird. This tie up with AMD probably wont last long with this guy on board as fairly soon they're be developing the CPU/GPU combo in house probably. Then again, the GPU's that AMD released with him on board have not exactly been ground breaking. Intel hiring a bit of a duffer if you ask me.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
nVidia's primary competitor in the GPU market being swallowed by a company with Intel's manufacturing capabilities would not be good news for them.

Even more than nVidia Intel tend to build hardware for the here and now with limited forward looking design, combined with their typical approach to software which makes little allowance for ongoing updates in the way a gaming GPU needs means Intel doesn't tend to be well suited to gaming GPUs.

Shame there isn't another player - I'd love to see some high end GPUs based off ARM technologies.
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