Rally Games???

It really depends on your tastes. RBR is a full out Rally simulation - very difficult to master, but extremely rewarding when you get it right.

CMR is a quick fix rally arcade game with pretty graphics and good fun for a while. I think there are demos of both, so give them a try.
If you have a good wheel and have a LOT of patience, then go for Richard Burns, my god is that a good game once you actually get good at it, but so bloody hard it's insane!

Else, go for CMR5.
I thought Richard Burns was boring, its not that hard, its just boring, just like real driving.

Colin Macrae games are fun because you drive like you think rallying should be just throwing the car around.

Richard Burns is just like, driving a high performance car around the Brecon Beacons.
elkdanger said:
It really depends on your tastes. RBR is a full out Rally simulation - very difficult to master, but extremely rewarding when you get it right.

CMR is a quick fix rally arcade game with pretty graphics and good fun for a while. I think there are demos of both, so give them a try.

Spot on.
atpbx said:
I thought Richard Burns was boring, its not that hard, its just boring, just like real driving.

Colin Macrae games are fun because you drive like you think rallying should be just throwing the car around.

Richard Burns is just like, driving a high performance car around the Brecon Beacons.
I agree. RBR isn't boring it is incredibly realistic and hard to master. I tried it with a keyboard but that was a no goer.

I find CMR2005 easier with the steering wheel because I can get the steering just right for me. With RBR however I can't get the steering how I want it. I quite like understeer, a heavy steering rather than an ultra-sensitive steering. I thought I had set RBR that way but when I tried a lesson I turned the wheel, span out of control, hit a bridge and rolled over.:(

Need to spend some time properly researching my steering wheel and settings for RBR.
Richard Burns Rally is certainly the most realistic, you will need lots of patience and dedicate quite a bit of time to master it, oh and dont bother trying it with the keyboard, your gonna need a wheel, I never did master it :p

Xpand Rally is worth a look too, not sure if it has a demo
I worked on RBR and it was one of the games I really enjoyed working on. Even after playing it for around 9+ months 9-5 I still hadn't fully mastered it. It's a very difficult game but when you get it right it's very rewarding. You do need to be in to your sims to fully enjoy it. I think there's a bit of a mod following for it now too, so possibly hi-res texture packs etc.
Another vote for Richard Burns Rally.

There's nothing more heartbreaking than having an extremely awesome run, just to mis-judge a corner and barrel-roll into the trees just before the finish. :p

EDIT: Get a wheel or you'll have no luck at all.
Right, I've tried both CM5 and RBR and all I can say is that RBR feels soo much better,you bat along thinking that after a couple of great corners that you have it all mastered and then BANG..........ditch time......great game.CM5 while looks better,just feels the same as the other CM games before it(rear wheel steering anyone!!!)

Thanks for the feedback guys,I've got gotta find some good links for RBR updates etc. :)
This is My input for what its worth

CM actually developed the first two or three being very hands on and to me its shown in the better / more realistic handling in the earlier games. Ithink after that the developers were just using his name.

RB was gravely ill during developement of that game so not entirely sure how much input he could have had ( unless there is a No2?)
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