Raptor or 7200.10's

14 Oct 2003
Which would be best for me:

1 x Raptor 150GB SATA I 16MB


2 x (raid 0) Seagate 250GB 7200.10 SATA II 16MB

Running on MSI Neo 4 Platinum, X2 4400, 2G, 7800GTX.

Are there any problem/issues running SATA II drives on the MSI Neo 4?

Which drive(s) would give me the best performance?

The Seagates work out cheaper and I get a lot more storage. But really don't need anywhere near 500GB, 150GB would be plenty for me.

I guess it's just a question of performance and price, I can't decide what to buy.....
I have decided to go for two 7200.10's, not sure if I will raid them or not yet.
May just use one for critical data and the other for the OS.

I was going to raid them but after looking at the SMART info of my existing drives I'm a bit concerned they don't have much life left in them.

I own a couple of the old 36Gb 8MB raptors (got them the day Raptor were first released in the UK), one seems to be on it's way out according to the SMART info.

I also own a couple of maxtors one is about 2 years old but appears to be overheating reaching it maximum temp and the other is around a year old and is only 72% healthy according to SMART info.
Damn you Maxtor and your shoddy drives ;)
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