raptor problem

22 Jul 2006
Bought a raptor for my os drive about 2 month ago

Was using windows 2000 at first and every file on the system simply dissapeared.

So I tryed installing windows xp and it works great no problems at all. Today I recieved a copy of ubuntu and partition magic 8 (powerquest) went into partition magic and the raptops file system shows up as "BAD" and wont do a thing

tryed fixmbr and fixboot hoping they might do something but didnt work I dont understand it

edited out rant! :p
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well that raptor has died now wont post with it in "lucky" I ghosted it about 3 hours before this happened and received a new hard drive this morning (not that its lucky its died)

Raptors seem to die left right and center thought had mine since feb dead friends had 2 since last month (now on 7200.10) and a work college who had one now using some maxtor.
you must be unlucky.....ive had a pair in a raid setup that have been working pretty much 24/7 for nearly four years now.......
Ive had two die on me, one 74 and one 150, at moment using another 74 as windows/games but thinking of getting the Samsung spinpoint as another for vista....
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