Raptors - Still as hyped as they used to be??

13 Feb 2004
South Shields
I've got a 74GB Raptor in my rig at the min.. and for some reason it seems slower than it should.

For example.. extracting a 4.2GB archive on my raptor takes longer than it does on my 8 year old 40GB 7,200rpm Maxtor.

By some margin too!

Sooooooo.... I've been thinking of gettin a new Raptor.. and gettin rid of the one I have currently in my machine..

However I have read recently that some of the latest HDD around are starting to close the speed gap.

So my main question is.. is it worth splashing the ca$h on a new Raptor or should I go for a different, higher capacity, drive?
hitachi, seagate latest drives, hitachi for home use is about the same speed, possibly faster in a couple things. no point getting a raptor now really, quite frankly if you're going for a low latency low capacity drive solid state just came out, in a year you'll probo be able to get a decently sized solid state for windows /app drive at comparable prices to a raptor so i wouldn't buy a raptor.

get a high capacity drive because storage speed general doesn't matter, the hitachi two high end drives 750gb and 1tb are actually good value, still at the 5gb/£1 ratio and extremely fast. solid state sucks right now, not sure why to be honest, i mean they suck because they have low read and write speeds like normal memory cards. but you'd think within drives with a lot of space they'd internally setup the memory to run in some kind of raid setup to massively improve the write/read speed.
I agree.

I have never been totally blown away by the performance of my Raptors

In fact, some time ago, I bought myself a couple of seagate 80GB SATA Drives, and I ran a couple of tests comparing one of them against the 36GB Raptor and found the Seagate was faster in most things.

Ended up using the Seagate as C: and the Raptor was only assigned to holding my ISOs
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