
27 Sep 2004
Everyone seems to rant on about them a lot - what's so special?

Do they increase overall computer performance or just data transfer times when moving files etc?
One of mine is used for game binaries and data, it means I get on the battlefield a lot quicker than those without raptors!
Baker said:
Everyone seems to rant on about them a lot - what's so special?

Do they increase overall computer performance or just data transfer times when moving files etc?

To answer the original question:

Anything involving hard disk access will be faster. So intensive things like OS load, or game level load will show a marked difference.

This can appear as an overall speedup to the user, but isnt.

Other tasks such as intensive processing will not be affected.

Baker said:
Everyone seems to rant on about them a lot - what's so special?

Do they increase overall computer performance or just data transfer times when moving files etc?

I'm hoping I understand what you mean here by "overall computer performance" isn't processing power but more general usability:

The thing I’ve noticed the most with my Raptor (74gb), is that my computer generally is more “Snappy” (that’s the best word I can think of to describe it at the moment) It's most noticeable when opening programs, files, mp3's, videos etc.

Raptors are good drives to store the operating system on.

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|-CC-| said:
I'm hoping I understand what you mean here by "overall computer performance" isn't processing power but more general usability:

The thing I’ve noticed the most with my Raptor (74bg), is that my computer generally is more “Snappy” (that’s the best word I can think of to describe it at the moment) It's most noticeable when opening programs, files, mp3's, videos etc.

Raptors are good drives to store the operating system on.

And with a 150GB one, I can store all high access things like OS, games, music, any vids I'm working on, programs, with a nice 250GB storage drive for any archived stuff :D. Sorry, I'll stop blowing my own trumpet now.
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