Rate multiplayer games out of 10

Everything looks better through rose tinted glasses. I see a lot of 10's being thrown about here. But what warrants a 10/10?

Smooth servers, perfect hit reg, community, learning curve... the list could be endless.

Like I could say SoF2 for me was 10/10. But that was because my experience of it during that time was brilliant, my first time being in a 'clan'. Playing competetive games and generally being a part of something was what made it great, the game itself, could have been anything.

Call of Duty 1 & 2 I look at through the same glasses, it was the age I was at and the fact I spent most of my teenage nights playing scrimmages with mates. So again 10/10... for me.
Isn't it already a genre? I though the likes of Rust and H1Z1 were the same thing, or at least had game modes like it.

Rust not so much as it's still open and more like a survival. Same goes for H1Z1. He simply took from the ideas of those and made it into a hunger game style.

I enjoy playing it with mates, but they bang on about it being a masterpiece... Not sure I agree on that front.
MOHAA/SH - 10/10 and probably my favourite ever multiplayer. Perfect in every way.

Far Cry - 9/10. Not everyone was a fan of their multiplayer attempt but it was certainly incredibly fun in a proper clan. I loved the huge jungle maps, the vehicles and the way you could reinforce your team's base, etc.

Counter-Strike Source - 9/10. I enjoy CS:GO more on the standard games, but I absolutely loved playing on the surf maps on Source. It's not so good on CS:GO and all the original maps have long since vanished, but it was awesome back in the day.
OW: 9/10 for me. I know I'm in the minority but it's given me 100's of hours of fun and enjoyment. I've not had much toxicity issues, so perhaps that's why I'm fine with it.
TF2: 8:10. The game that got me into gaming on a serious level. It's almost perfect, but considering how old it is the content is limited.
GTA V: 4/10. GTA V is about an amazing single player campaign, the online element is just a bit boring to me.
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