Rate the sig above thread.

I quite like that. It's a bit let down by being too bright but that might be my new NEC monitor! :D
It's clear but the yellow text is not.
Very memorable though. If I saw the sig, i'd know it's Platypus.

8.7/10 Change and colour of the font, lower the tone of the orange, and sharpen what seems to be a coin and I reckon it'll get 9.8/10.

I just made a new one myself. Old one was lyrics by Skinnyman. It wasn't well recieved due to people thinking it was "gangster rap". Lets see how this new sig goes. And further, lets see who can tell me where it's from!
I like it, it's a bit.. Saul Williams-esque.

I'd whack it in an image, but then I guess it'd lose the sense of Prose.

I've no idea how to rate a text-based sig :/
But thumbs up :)
I don't care, she's not yours, I don't want to see her sunglasses and it just makes you look desperate.

Maybe im just taking it too seriously :p

Just a weeeeee bit. :p

She ain't mine, I ain't desperate....nowt wrong with appreciating beauty in the form of Jessica Alba! It's a cool photo with cool sunglasses too. Would you prefer a guy in the photo instead?
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