Rate the sig above thread.

What's the fascination with borders, they're so 70's.

It's a VW. Bland.

5/10 for effort, but it has a border so really it's 1/10 ;)
Nah, I've had it for years, it's me, they're mine and I still like it.

I like the stamp effect and the transparency works well. 8/10

One for passion, one for colourful simplicity.

Minus eight for giving that much of a stuff about a single FPS when there are plenty of others about ;).
^ Her stare and smile freak me out a little 6/10......:( please don't hurt me......

EDIT: You changed it !!! DOH lol

New one.......Nicely put together 7/10
Hmm simple and straight forward, dont recognise the logo and dont know where your nick comes from but I like the colouring lol. 8/10
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