Rate the sig above thread.

7/10, bit hard to make out what the subject is though

does this sig look any good?

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Pretty sleek, although a bit of aliasing around the bumper. 8/10

Ninja Edit: And yes, I know the name on the sig isn't my forum name. There any easy way to change it?
RandomTom said:
i quite like the angle of that photo, but it would benefit from a 1pixel border in my opinion, but it looks nice - 7.8/10 :)

Not bad at all but you've had better ones :D 6.5/10
Biohazard said:
I like the red lips! :cool: 7/10
hmmmmm I like yours nice and simple and it's a lovely silvery/bl00 8/10 :)... it would score higher but there is something about the blue fuzziness on the left I'm not 100% sure on.
Mohinder said:
Sorry, but a bit poop. You can't really make out what it is. Nicely put together but poorly chosen image.

No fair I missed the oppertunity to rate yours.... one of my favourite sigs 10/10 :D
dave2k2005 said:
An alright sig above, I'll give it a 7/10. BTW, this is my first sig attempt!

6/10 not entirely certain what the blurred object is, guess it's a missile but otherwise OK with good impact.
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