Rawshooter Question

18 Oct 2002
I purchased RSE Premium a while back, and then never used it! Well i "did" a wedding the other day and decided to try it out properly for some reason.

Now, i have gone through the shots and graded them, 1-2-3-4 etc using the built in system but is there any way of getting it to print a list of the picture numbers by grade, so can i have a list of all images graded "1" or is this not possible?
Don't think it can print a list of filenames, it's a bit limited in functionality once you move away from RAW conversions.

You could move all the "1" flagged files using RSP to another directory, use something else to print the listing then move them back with RSP. If you always use RSP to do the file handling it'll keep all your tweaks and flags intact.
Ok, thanks for the help.

to be honest i rarely use the program favouring Photoshop CS2, but i thought as i bought it i'd try it out!
Hmm ok, really stupid question, once i've done some tweeking and conversion how do i "get the image out" there is no done, save, complete, finish type button.

All i want is to convert the image to my preference and save a tiff for further work - at this rate i will be back in CS2 in no time at all leaving RSP forever!
You need to add the image to the "Batch Process Queue" either hit Insert or click the fifth button from the left on the toolbar (2 cogs with a green +).

Check the batch convert tab behind the corrections one to set the file format and output location.
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