RB's training log

Now I understand the importance of recovery lol.
Woke up with my shoulders killing me! First time any of my muscles have ached this much since I started SL.
Not sure why because apart from the hang cleans yesterday I haven't done anything different/new.
But anyway, I had planned my next session today so went to the gym.

I failed on both squats and bench. :/

Squat (had to wrap the bar with my towel otherwise I couldn't lift it; poor shoulders :()
92.5kg x 1 x 5
90kg x 4 x 5, 1 x 4 (on my last rep I couldn't make it back up and had to drop the bar)

Bench was quite embarrassing.. The gym was busy so I jumped in with someone because they were doing 65kg as well. They said they were doing 65kg and asked if I needed it changing, I was like nah that's fine.
On my first set I almost dropped it on myself on the 5th rep, and if he hadn't caught it, it probably would've been pretty painful! Good that I wasn't by myself in this instance as I normally am!
So next set, I took it down to 60kg, and I JUST made it back up for that set. Then he finished his sets, so for the remaining I put it down a further 5kg, just in case.

65kg x 1 x 4
60kg x 1 x 5
55kg x 4 x 6

Row (started low because thought it would be the same, but the row was ok)
50kg x 1 x 5
55kg x 2 x 5
60kg x 2 x 5

Then I played badminton for 2 hours straight. That was a good session after such a terrible workout!

And I've agreed to go for a jog tomorrow morning! Time to munch down on a lot of food and off to bed!

I'm also getting my first sports (deep tissue) massage tomorrow! (Had osteo before, but that's a bit different I guess). It's for an hour so that should hopefully be nice!
^ Ah ok, noted. Thanks.

Had another dodgy sleep (I seem to wake up naturally after about 6 hours, but I'm still tired :() and my shoulders still aching a little. Glad to see my squats back on, but my back just wasn't having it for no reason at all. Back felt fine when I woke up, and feels fine now, just couldn't lift :/

92.5kg x 5 x 5

45kg x 1 x 4
40kg x 5 x 5

115kg x 1 x 1
110kg x 1 x 1
100kg x 3 x 5

Pull ups
BW x 1 x 6, 2 x 5
Ran 5km in the morning, and now just come back from the gym. Today was just a 'filler'.

Hang clean
47.5kg x 1 x 8
50kg x 1 x 7, 3 x 6

BB curl
30kg x 1 x 5, 1 x 4
27.5kg x 2 x 5, 1 x 6

DB cuban rotation
8kg x 1 x 10, 1 x 15 (for each arm)
Just noticed you're hang cleaning (uh-oh)... For lots of reps.

How is your form on this? And is there a reason you're going for more than 3 reps?

I was aiming for 5 reps, so I guess I could have put a bit more weight on it. Why 3 and not 5?

Hadn't really properly looked at videos, just doing so now, apparently doing a lot wrong; pretty much doing a completely different exercise! Haha. I'll aim to correct this next time.

Since you've done some work for your shoulder external rotators, look up YTWLs. I think I posted some videos in the form thread.

Edit: in fact yes I'm wrong.

RB, sort out the way you're recording your sets :p

I'll have a look at those.

Haha. Sets x reps! Make more sense that way!
^ Yeah that makes sense, thanks. I'll work on my form with the bar/light weights tomorrow.

Slacked with the CBL because I went to my uni summer ball last night (so alcohol, pizza, burger, candy floss and popcorn) but still a fairly good session just now.

95kg x 5 x 5

Paused bench (because of the previous time, I'm now benching with the power rack)
60kg x 4 x 5, 1 x 4

62.5kg x 5 x 5

BW x 2 x 9, 1 x 11
Noo, it would be 50, 2 lots of 6 reps. I like my way better. :D

Went home for the weekend so nothing since Fri, and feel a bit lack of energy today so started lower.

90kg x 3 x 5
95kg x 2 x 5

40kg x 1 x 5
42.5kg x 4 x 5

110kg x 3 x 5

Pull ups
BW x 2 x 6, 1 x 5, 1 x 4

These are harder than it looks! Especially after have done OHP.
Done a couple of sets of 5kg (in each hand) then a few sets of 2.5kg.
I'm getting old.. had to spend all of yesterday recovering from a night out haha.

Pretty solid session today.

95kg x 5 x 5

Paused bench
62.5kg x 5 x 5

65kg x 2 x 5
70kg x 3 x 5


BW x 2 x 13, 1 x 7
Got to the gym late, plus because it's now vacation and it's a uni gym they close at half 7 instead of 8pm on a Sunday :/ so I only had half an hour. I didn't bump the weight up as I didn't want to take as long a rest as I usually do.

95kg x 5 x 5

45kg x 1 x 5
40kg x 3 x 5
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Nice long solid session.

97.5kg x 5 x 5

45kg - 5, 5, 4, 5, 5

115kg - 5, 4, 4

Pull ups
BW - 7, 5, 5

BB cuban rotation
20kg - 5, 5, 5, 5, 12

Hmm... After this Saturday, I probably won't be going to the gym anymore as I've now finished uni. For the next month I'll be at home but there's no monthly-contract gyms close to me, and then for 2 months after that I'll be abroad. Then from October, I want to concentrate more on dance (bboying mainly), so with work (hopefully) I won't have time. If I am still looking for work in October, then I can sign up to a monthly contract gym, but otherwise it's a shame because this is the first time I've actually been going to the gym regularly and it only lasted a month! :(

I know I can buy dumbbells (and I probably will) and still do a lot of stuff but is there anything I can do at home (taking into account this will be rented property/not much space/no garage) that will be similar to squats/deadlift/bench press without having a bench?
Didn't like squats too much when I started, but they're growing on me! And my deadlifts seem to be stuck at 115kg!

Haha yeah I know. It's a shame I didn't start properly 3 years ago, would be pretty strong by now!

When I said home I meant Surrey (parents) and there's nothing around for a single month or without it being ridiculously expensive paying each time I go. My brother has dumbbells from years ago so I can still do a few things. I don't think he has many weights though because he never uses them. Then when I'm back in Bristol (looking to stay here so I guess that'll be more 'home' for me) it's just time that I'll lack. I guess I'll just have to see what happens because it's all up in the air, but whatever happens I'll still try to keep up stuff with dumbbells.

Edit: Just looking up the price of dumbbells sets 40kg+ and wow.. didn't realise the price of equipment! Or am I just not looking in the right place?
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Looking a bit more, I can get Olympic dumbbell handles and 125kg rubber polygonal weights for ~£235 new (125kg should be enough?). So I should be able to get it for ~£150 second hand?? which would be very reasonable, seeing as it would last me many years!

Hang clean (not sure my form is that great but a bit better than before)
50kg - 5
60kg - 2
50kg - 4

40kg - 7, 6, 6, 6, 6

Bb curl
30kg - 5, 5, 4, 5, 6

Rope pulldown
63kg - 5, 5, 5
72kg - 4
67.5kg - 6, 5, 5

Down to my last 2 proper gym sessions for the near future!
Andddddd I'm back! :)

Change of plans, but I'm not moving to Bristol just yet so signed up to easyGym half an hour cycle ride away. Today I had my first session in almost 3.5 months!
The gym is really good for the price, decent amount of equipment and during working hours it's not too busy; managed to do my workout without waiting for anyone. The only thing is that for the size of the gym there's only two squat racks, very limited space to do deadlifts and they have no power racks so I won't be able to do bench press properly, unless someone has any suggestions/ideas?

Since last time I weighed myself (about 4-5 months ago) when I was about 168 lbs, I've dropped to about 161 lbs, which is nice as I wanted to lose some fat. From now, I'll probably do a slow clean bulk to 170 lbs as I'm still playing a lot of badminton so the usual 'bulk, cut, repeat' won't really work for me.

I did try and keep some strength by doing a few exercises at home with my very limited 10kg dumbbells but they can only do so much.. or well, pretty much nothing..

Started off easy just too ease back into it, and it's not too bad. Feels really good to be back though!

60kg - 5
80kg - 5, 5
85kg - 5, 5

40kg - 5
55kg - 5, 5
57.5kg - 5, 6

40kg - 5, 5, 4
35kg - 5, 5

60kg - 5
90kg - 5
105kg - 5
95kg - 5

Cuban Rotation
20kg - 4 x 5

BW - 7, 7, 6, 6, 6
Twisted my ankle a week and a half ago, so missed 4 sessions. :(
Not 100% yet so I didn't want to put too much weight when squatting. Deadlifts didn't seem to affect it.

Started with OHP first because the squat racks were being used. First time doing it with dumbbells instead of barbell. Seems harder! Definitely feels like it's using the stabilizing muscles more. I think from now I'll start alternating between barbell and dumbbell, same with bench.

20kg - 15
35kg - 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 5

50kg - 10
70kg - 7, 8, 10
80kg - 6, 7

60k - 10
100kg - 5, 5, 5

Triceps Pushdown
50kg - 5, 5, 7, 10
55kg - 5

Cuban Rotation
20kg - 5x7
Ankle's still not 100%, but it's good enough to not affect my squats anymore. :)

90kg - 5x5

EZ Bar Curl (I thought the bar weighed 20kg, but quickly realised it wasn't! What's the most common weight?)
Bar + 10kg - 5
Bar + 15kg - 5, 5
Bar + 20kg - 5, 3

Incline Bench
50kg - 5x5

65kg - 5, 6, 6, 6, 6

Pull Ups
BW - 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
Been a touch lazy getting to the gym past week.

40kg - 5x5

105kg - 3x5

Squat (the shorts I was wearing made it really uncomfortable to squat in :/ going gym tomorrow anyway so will do it properly then)
80kg - 5, 5

BW - 7, 7, 7
BW+7.5kg - 5
BW+12.5kg - 5, 8

Cuban Rotation
25kg - 5, 5
20kg - 10, 9
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