re-insert RAID 1 array

25 Sep 2011
hi guys
right, got a question that id rather ask, before i actually try it...

I have a HP Proliant Enterprise server, with 7x 1tb hard drives installed..
They are set as a raid 1 array..
So the fiirst 3 drives are Mirrored with the Last 3..
giving 3 volumes, 3tb of total useable space etc.
if you understand what i mean...

(this is not my actual server photo, just to demonstrate what i mean)

Now, say Drive 1 and 4 are full up (the first RAID 1 array), can i just remove them both, and insert fresh par of hard drives and set as RAID 1, and keep the original pair aside for when i need to access its data again, then smply pull the new two out, and slide the old two drives back in, and re-access my data?

it may sound like a stupid question, But i dont know the answer..

i dont want to take the pair of drives out and fit fresh ones, and then not be able to put the old pair back in, and re-access my data again.
Just incase i have to "re-initialise" the drives each time i take them out and put them back in, because obviously, re-initialising them, wipes the data)

It should work, but disk is so cheap these days I don't see the point in taking the risk, just buy some bigger drives and migrate the data??

Also, have you considered running a raid 10 array with those disks?

okay thanks guys, maybe i will just leave it then, as its highly valuable data..

No mate, I am familiar with RAID 0, 1 and 5.. but dont know anything about 10, or how the disk arrangement is
Combine RAID 1 and 0 and you have RAID 10 ;)

So basically leaves me with the same setup that ive got now..
6 drives, with 3tb of storage, and 3tb of mirror..

With my current setup, ive got 3 seperate virtual disks, which is handy, as my partner has a drive just for her stuff, and i have the rest...
if it was RAID 0'd, and showing as 1 big drive, our items will be mixed..

Plus... my Poweredge has the Perci 5/ controller, which only supports upto 2tb volumes..
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