Reacher - Amazon TV series 2022

Very good 3 episodes and he’s certainly bigger!

I’ve noticed that a vast majority of the cast are ex smallville too! I really like this new Russo cop chap.
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Unlike a lot of Prime shows, I found the 4K in this very good. On my TV it also had HDR10+ that also was noticeable. City shots looked particularly good.

Season 2 hasn't disappointed at all so far :D Just a shame it's now on a weekly release schedule.

Maybe season 3 won't be 1 year away if they're already filming (ala Jack Ryan seasons 3-4)

Here's hoping!

I'm getting a bit tired of ~2 year gaps between seasons of shows from Netflix/Amazon/Disney/etc. By the time the second season releases, the first is a vague memory.
There’s a Jack Reacher short story in this week’s Spectator.

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