Reactions me an automobile

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Kingy said:
Perception is a wonderful thing.

I imagine memory must be as well, but it seems mine is on the blink, as I have no recollection of being "pwn'd".

However, I do remember a little boy asking for help choosing daddy's car, with Vanquish's and Murcielago's being talked about, only to finish up with a used Merc, and subsequently referring to it as 'ours', despite not being old enough to drive.

Only to finish up with a used Merc? It wasn't a £30k Merc with 70k miles;) The cars I mentioned were all viable alternatives all available at similar prices, however I don't have anything to prove to the likes of stubborn people like you. Continue being a ***** years on, i'm impressed you can keep it going, you say I needed growing up yet your posts haven't changed one bit.

And for the record I was old enough to drive:) It seems your memory is indeed on the blink.
merlin said:
It's arrived! :D


I'm thinking about putting a V10 in it.

fuz said:
Gah the heatwave must've missed you I guess :(

merlin said:
I just washed it. :)

Man, i thought this thread had run its course.. but that is a new highpoint. Literally a LOL from me.
My insurance documents just came through. Wasn't expecting them until tomorrow, but it turns out the postie was able to get them to me within the hour:


Heading down to the dealership now to pick it up :)

Yes, I had this up yesterday for a brief period of time (I was the pioneer, undoubtedly ;)), but removed it as it didn't fit the general mood. Fits right in now, though
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Killa_ken said:
whats with the title of this thread? :confused:

The Dons find it funny to change thread titles that begin with "Spec me". Reactions - reaction-lens from specsavers adverts... etc

Strange I know.
Great read.

I visit campbell park quite a lot as its very close, so might pop through campbell heights sometime. Look out for me :eek: :)
Hilarious. Good work, but I think some of you go a bit far with regards to EXIF data match, numberplate search etc. It's clearly his old mans, now he must suffer the consequences for trying so hard :D
William said:
I think stig is pulling a double bluff if you get me.

You reckon all the cars are his? I get the impression that he is an overweight 17 year old nerd with no social life who needs the attention from internet based lies to keep him from hanging himself from the nearest tree.
so does the rule about personal attacks not apply to you skuzi?

Regardless of what he posts he makes up i dont see that gives you the right to start slandering someone, your last two posts i personaly would find offensive.

I dont mean i support his stories weather there true or not but some of the things being said here are very unnecessary.
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