Reactions me an automobile

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stig said:
woo post man has arrived with insurance certificate :cool: back in an hour with pictures to prove those non-beilvers :D

Takes you an hour to take a photograph of a piece of paper and then upload it??
One last question, how did you manage to order a brand new C230K when this model was deleted from the C Class range some time ago? They no longer do a C230K.
So is this a second supercharger you are going to be adding to your C230K? Not sure how that would work.
Gilly said:
Hey, how is merlin getting the credit when I'm the one that pointed it out first? :(

It wasn't a genuine quote. :p

I have to say I'll be over the moon if this numpty goes because his posts are outsandingly irritating.
Just noticed he ordered an insurance certificate for the Merc and it arrived within the hour by postman.

God damn that's some kinda service. :p
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