Really undecided about which macbook

Hardly law breaking, it's Apples fault for making it so easy for us to blag, they should be more strict if people are getting upset about it 'breaking law'.

At the end of the day the same could be said for hagglers.

My dad, for example.

He will go down to buy a car and be talking with the salesman for n number of minutes, at which point you can garauntee that he'll ask at least one of the following questions;

  • Would you knock any off for cash?
  • Can you throw in something considering the price?

There are more, but you get the point; he's cheeky and 99% of the time, he gets the car for a less than he "should" have paid.

The salesman isn't worried, he made the sale, and the company isn't worried, they're earning millions/billions and they've got overheads for this sort of thing.

The point I'm making is that, if you spec a machine (from Apple) and it came to £1799 but you could get that same spec for £1300 just by saying you were a student, then obviously it becomes an eye-opener.

It probably is fraudulent to obtain the hardware against false pretences, but there are always grey areas. In this case, for example, you could say that you were buying on behalf of your son (who is in University) which could well be true.

As Justin said, if Apple don't query the authenticity of the purchase then there's not a lot that can be done about it. It becomes a question of pushing your luck.. if you aren't going to try then you'd have ended up spending £400 extra for the machine and gaining nothing from it.

I admit, I have probably been the main culprit for claiming HE discount, but I was buying machines whilst at University.. it was only in the last few instances that I've decided to push my luck and get discounts.

That being said, if I have used a machine for business purposes, i.e. I had a PowerMac G5 for use in a recording studio then I have always paid full-whack because that's my mantra. I know it's not that morale (picking and choosing), but I suspect the savings I gained on my iMac(s) / MacBook Pro(s) are nothing on what I could have saved on the PowerMac.

If you don't ask, you don't get.
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I don't mind people using the FE discount but I just hope it doesn't lessen it or take it away completely for those who would be genuinely applicable for it.
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