Really wierd HD issue - help/opinions pls

26 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes
My mate has a DS3 mobo with an Antec case, which comes with a Truepower 480W psu (should be fine) and he bought a Seagate 250Gig SATAII drive to go with it.

We slotted the system together fine, loaded, and picked the HD up fine, installed windows etc. About 2 hours into overclocking stress testing, the system did the whole blank screen joy, and upon reboot was giving System Boot Disc Failure. Ah, faulty drive I thought, and it consistantly wont pick up the HD.

Here's the wierd part.

BOTH my SATA drive and his SATA drive will detect and boot on my system, and yet consistantly, his drive will NOT even BIOS detect on his, doesnt even feel like its spinning up, yet his PSU is obviously supplying power as my SATA drive is detected and boots up hey presto every time.

I've tried a different cable, a different SATA lead from the PSU, different ports on his mobo.

Can anyone shed some light on what the hell's going on, I've seen some funny system errors, but this has me stumped, and I dont particularly feel like RMAing every component to get them all back and have to pay the postage

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Borked BIOS? Try reflashing it.

Weird that is is not detecting the drives.... In your rig where the drives work, have you run diagnoistics disks over the drives? Check the state of them?

IMHO you have probally stuffed the SATA controller with your overclocking experiments.

Do PATA drives work on this system? i.e. is it all IDE devices having problems, or just SATA?
MAllen said:
IMHO you have probally stuffed the SATA controller with your overclocking experiments.

ATA drives still work.

I would find it odd that our overclocking would bork the SATA controller as this is an overclocking board, and also is specifically designed to be able to handle higher FSBs like the higher fsb Core2Duo with the 1333 rather than 1066 native fsb, also, we only overclocked the CPU to go 1:1 with RAM, we specifically left the PCI etc set at 100, didnt put much more volts through anything and of course, the obvious point that MY SATA drive is still being detected, just not his, its like an incompatability issue, but that makes no sense, as it detected his yesterday, and now consistantly doesnt, whereas it detects mine every single time I try to boot in every single SATA socket.

This is what makes it such a headache, its almost as though if the board is borked, its SELECTIVELY borked, as it wont detect his drive, and it will mine, yet they're both SATA, and were both tested using the same cable, plugged into exactly the same ports on the motherboard.
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Ah... didn't spot the comment about working with your drive. Mad.....

Would it not just be simpler to swap drives with your mate? If his works in yours, and yours works in his..... then the path to least headache seems to be a swap.

I agree with your comments that you should not of damaged the SATA controller.... but is is a new system, so it may be a dodgy part? This is the reason for "soaking" new hardware.

Sorry - can't come up with any more ideas at this moment (as dinner is getting cold on the plate....) :)
Tbh thats pretty much what we've done, although Im sure we'll both be keeping a good eye on the components over the next few weeks incase it is the mobo. Its really bizarre though, but hey.

Thanks for the help anyway, you've confirmed my own thoughts pretty much, and my mate says thanks!

If anyone else has any ideas that'd be great.
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