reasonable prices when selling second hand, opinions?

18 Sep 2008
I'm selling a monitor on a well known auction site, its a decent monitor, worth 950 brand new. 6 months old

I listed it for 700 auction

Today I've had someone offer 350, 400 and someone messaged now saying " would you accept £500 shipped ? "

I do realise its second hand, but half bloody price is a bit much, or is it? am I being too ambitious?
i would expect to pay 2 thirds of new cost
so around 650 ish
bit painful perhaps but its 2nd hand even if only
6 months old
350,400,and 500 shipped is taking the **** though lol
i would expect to pay 2 thirds of new cost
so around 650 ish
bit painful perhaps but its 2nd hand even if only
6 months old
350,400,and 500 shipped is taking the **** though lol

thats what I thought

I messaged him saying " no, would you? do you know where I can get second hand google pixels 3 for half price? "

Depends on a lot of things, brands, if there is a new model out, or out soon, how desperate you are to sell and they are to buy.

If you are open to offers on eBay then people will low ball you, "what's the harm in asking? he can only say no." So don't take offence if people low ball you, it's part of the game.

When it sells, you will realise it's market value. Getting 60% of new price, at 6 months out isn't unheard of. I mean Final Fantasy 7 remake, 1 week after it came out people selling used for £38.

I expect tech like that you get 2/3rd at best, the minute you bought it you lose 20%, so £700 would be on the high side.
Depends on a lot of things, brands, if there is a new model out, or out soon, how desperate you are to sell and they are to buy.

If you are open to offers on eBay then people will low ball you, "what's the harm in asking? he can only say no." So don't take offence if people low ball you, it's part of the game.

When it sells, you will realise it's market value. Getting 60% of new price, at 6 months out isn't unheard of. I mean Final Fantasy 7 remake, 1 week after it came out people selling used for £38.

I expect tech like that you get 2/3rd at best, the minute you bought it you lose 20%, so £700 would be on the high side.

fair enough, i appreciate the comment

its not in stock in many places, so kind of rare but a decent model ( I don't want to name the make incase it looks like im trying to drum up interest for it ) but its a very very good monitor for its price

but yeah, perhaps 700 is too high, as its not sold in 3 listings, but.. money is tough for a lot of people right now to spend on a monitor
Theres a lot of variance depending on what the item is.

The general rule of thumb is ~2/3 the current price (ie not what you paid but what you can get a new one for) depending on condition.

Of course thats one of those rules with more exceptions than conformances.

Of course its not going to stop folk chancing their arm, just gotta turn folk away until you get something reasonable.

Its this kind of hassle is why i dont really sell stuff.
theres plenty facebook buy/sell/swap pc gear groups
am in a few myself
no big fees like ebay fees either if selling which means you can go a bit lower than on ebay
if you want to
if buying theres a 4% or something paypal fee usually the seller will
mention that if the fee isnt included in the price already
they will low ball you on there too lol
just stick to your guns though
and list it higher than you are willing to accept
if i want 800 i list at 1000 to give me room to go down :)
and you can do collection only if you want
if its an expensive item i only do collection and cash
they see it working/test it so no worries about them getting it
breaking it and saying it doesnt work
seeing it working if it looks great can only help you
sell it too
obviously for collection you have to keep 6 feet apart
or wear a mask etc in the current situation
you can post/courier stuff on those groups too but only take paypal business
or buying/selling an item whatever the exact terminology is
if you post
under no circumstances or excuses use paypal friends and family
I've just listed a few things on e-bay and was surprised how low the offers for some of the items have been. As Raymond Lin says, if you are a buyer 'it does no harm to ask,' as you never know your luck.

The most expensive thing I listed was a watch I hoped to get about £200.00 for - so far I've had 4 offers ranging from £100.00 to £175.00.

I don't sell that often on e-bay and I've found it can be quite inconsistent. I once sold a game controller for about £35.00 which was a few £ more than I paid for it, and surprisingly a little more than its retail price - my guess is a couple of guys got into a bidding war. On another occasion a mate was bidding for a rare Classical Vinyl LP set. He had researched its typical selling price and set himself an upper limit of £425.00 for it, as this was the average price it sold for. He was over the moon to get it for £215.00

At the end of the day something is only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it, so if you have listed it 3 times without success then that would suggest to me that the price is too high! Having said that, I wouldn't drop the price too much, certainly no less than £650.00. If you are not desperate to sell it even try £675.00.

What about the members market, here because (correct me if I'm wrong) with e-bay and PayPal fees you'll lose about 10% or 12% So wouldn't £700.00 on ebay equate to about £630.00 here?

Good luck with the sale
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took me a whole year to sell 3x Playstation classics at the price i listed them at

give it time

not only that, few other things too, just need the right buyer to come along
I find allowing bids from £0 usually do a lot better than a high buy-it-now price. I recently sold an item through bidding for about £100 even though there were several buy-it-now options available in the same condition for about £80. I see other examples of this all the time, both when I'm selling and buying. I guess those that start bidding when the price is still low stick around and new people see all the activity and assume it means the item is better or something. Of course there's always a risk the item will go for cheap, but I've sold loads of items and so far I've always gotten a fair price.'s called ebay! You can just say it!

Out of curiosity, why not just list it in the members' market? Yes, you'll probably get just as many chancers, but at least it's a bit more reliable in terms of buyer, reputation, etc.
price people are prepared to pay, depends too, on the reason you provide for selling it, whether you have the receipt, original box, iron clad guarantee, and,
are not selling many items, such that you look like a dealer.
OP doesn't have access to MM yet though surely?

Anyway, simply turn off offers and set a reserve amount. Let the punters bid-battle it out for themselves.

An initial listing for a high buy it now price is only going to make people take a chance and message an offer in. If there's a reserve with no visible buy price, then they will just keep throwing in bids until one of them gives up. If by the time it's close to auction end the bid state isn't to your liking you can cancel the auction. I think you just have to do this within 2 days but best to check...
Thing with offers is you do get a lot of choosing beggars but if you turn round and properly haggle with someone you can sometimes get the price back up to where you want. I'd have said no 500 is too low but let's try 700? Soon find out if they're time wasting or know the value and trying to work out if you do or don't.
Ebay is terrible for a casual seller.

I gave up selling stuff several years ago. Returns for no reason, or damaged, claims for no receipt. It is generally a cesspit of humanity.
People always lowball massively on the chance that someone is desperate to sell. It used to be quite bad on the MM until tighter rules were brought in.
Low offers and end the auction and sell to me type offers are common, just ignore and let it run its course.
I put something on ebay the other day, was very clear in the title ,photo and description what was included. Of course I get an email once its arrived "Its missing the remote". He has to be fair at least just left negative feedback and not kicked off to Paypal but still a pain to go through.

Won't be bothering again.
Any negotiation and deal is just what everyone can make themselves happy with. I wouldn't get too worked up over the principal of "But it's WORTH more!" and just realise that you want to sell a thing, and people will want to pay something for your thing, and maybe, in the right circumstances, those values will be comparable.

Is 200 pounds actually material to you (700 down to 500) or is it the principal? I already know the answer but wanted to give you the chance to come to the same realisation.

fake e: I'm not the bidder, I swear :D
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