rebuilt pc wont install xp sata problem?



21 Nov 2004
hey guys just rebuilt my rig after a wife related "incident" pc posts fine sata drive is detected in bios and xp install picks up the drive and gives me the option to format the drive(160 gig drive (sata2) i can format the drive ok either fat for a partition or ntfs for the full drive(i can do ntfs for a partition too btw)

my problem is that i can get through the install process part of the way(files copied over and on the countdown and install going though and i keep getting BSOD's with various error messages boot pagefile being the most prominent

spec is

800w psu
1 gig ram (2x 512
maxtor 160 gig h/d
opty 146
asrock dual sata mobo

now this is my first experience with sata so is it something i've done wrong or can you guys offer any insight

Dont know if it well help, but I have 3 HD and if I leave all 3 connected XP never installed properly. If I dc 2 and leave just the one it works fine and installs no problem :confused: :confused:
you could try testing the memory too - I've had BSOD's during XP installations before and it turned out to be faulty memory...not sure if this is your problem but its one thing you can strike off the list
Had this on a previous Gigabyte Mboard, your motherboard is treating the HDD as SCSI device and you will have to get the drivers from your HDD manufactures website and put them on a disk. When you boot from Windows CD to start the install process the screen goes blue and down at the bottom of the screen it asks to press F6 I think, press it and install the drivers then continue with the install.

This sorted my problem with my Raptor. On my new Mboard I never had a problem as it knew what SATA was thankfully.

Hope this helps.
Well if your getting page file errors, would indicate the hard drive. As suggested above try installing windows with just one drive. And make sure all the raid options are disabled in the bios.
If that fails also as suggested above run memtest to check the ram, and install with 1 stick.
Lastly try a different optical drive, this too can give the blue screens if it is on the way out. But page file errors would primarily point to the harddisk.
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only have the one hard drive installed atm(160 gig maxtor sata 2 drive)

would I need to install sata drivers at the F6 raid driver bit?
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