Recent Windows Updates Issues

31 May 2009

Anyway, I decide to install my folks PC to a fresh SSD, not usually much of an issue, I've done it with several PCs in the past year, things went swimmingly.
This time not so, I appear to be caught in a black hole of windows updates.
After the initial install, and addition of motherboard chipsets drivers, I ran windows updates, installed the first couple of batches, then the windows 7 Home premium SP1, again through windows updates, now on each reboot a seemingly endless stream of windows updates are being offered.
Within each section some fail, some are not needed, and worse, when 'configuring' some fail, and a changes are reverted.
This is most perplexing.

I assume some updates override others but for some bizarre reason Microsoft seemed t have stopped telling windows update which to offer first, allowing all, including conflicting ones, which then revert so no ground is made.

Am I alone in this recent change to windows updates madness?
Only seen something similar when re-installing an old laptop from the recovery partition (original version Win7 Home Prem pre-SP1)
If this isn't your problem then why aren't you installing straight from an iso with SP1 already integrated?
I've win7 pro iso with sp1 (all the other versions were this), I don't have a home premium sp1 iso, and TechNet and other sources don't seem to have it anymore.
The problems as they are don't seem to occur until 2 reboots after the sp1, so during the windows updates beyond sp1 phase actually, up until then, things move swimmingly.
I noticed this as well, there really needs to be a SP2 or something similar, just to roll the amount of updates released after SP1 into one batch or something. Best way is to just keep updating until all the ones that needs installing successfully install and Windows no longer find any updates.

... And then after that, run disk cleanup and pick the clean system files option, which will remove obsolete updates that are not needed any more, even if they have been only just installed.
Aye, it is just annoyingly frustrating, it might be worse on HP than Pro, as I really had not noticed it as bad as this when I did the pro machines, granted there have been multiple updates each month for the past several months, and I fear, they are all being offered at once, and overriding each other.

Just had 90 updates, 55 installed, 2 not needed, the rest failed, and on reboot, it is reverting changes, irritating, will start picking them a couple at a time I think.

-edit I think given windows10, this might be a push towards it by no 7sp2
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