I didn't need to google the line voltage, I did happen to know, even down to it being expressed as -ve.What is the point in arguing about it? The line works regardless of termination, the NTE5 is not needed, it is as simple as that. You could stick the pair into the back of a phone or router with no termination and it will work.
The guy can add any termination to it as he so wishes, BT are not going to charge him, he will not get in trouble, just what do you think will happen?
Thanks for googling the PD of the line by the way, very helpful
Why do you think BT went to the trouble of making the NTE5 then? It's a demarcation point, it's where their responsibility stops. Notwithstanding its technical function.
Gas surge arresters mean nothing to you then? Why don't you remove the line filter from your PC then, it's still going to work without it.
The OP is free to do the same research as me, "is it OK with BT to replace the nte5". Seems like the answer is no to me.
I did kinda know the rough figures already, but I prefer to get the exact ones (500, not 300)By the way again i do admire your quick google skills, i think you had better go and extend the knowledge you clearly have gained from this with BT's engineers. They routinely and in most circumstances will patch corporate PSTN circuits over structured cabling, usually patching the resultant NTE5 into the patch panel at the point of delivery. (in a rack for an ADSL circuit for example).
Patching over structured cabling is clearly for convienience, there being no other reason to use really expensive UTP cable to deliver voice. In this case we are talking about using UTP externally to replace telephone wire, something clearly never intended to be used outside. Besides, you really are stepping on their toes by messing with their pole termination.
What's the point of BT tuning their kit to work with a known impedance and frequency response if you are going to frig about and change the characteristics of the line for them? If you've seen a change then that's down to new copper and screw tightening, not with BT not knowing how to run a Telecom business.
I'm not here to tell people which bodges may work, any idiot can do that, I'm here to suggest what is the correct way of doing things. And if they question that, to explain technically why things are done that way. I'm really not bothered who the OP chooses to listen to, I've done my bit.
Like I said, you are free to get a BT Engineer to contradict anything I have posted, but just you saying it's nonsense doesn't interest me.