Recomend me a flight sim....

Wang Computer said:
Falcon 4.0: Allied Force is the daddy of modern combat sims. However, be prepared for a steep learning curve. It's about a close to the real thing as you can get (and F-16s are pretty complex machines!).

Never tried it multiplayer, apparently it's pain to set up... So maybe not for you.

agreed the daddy but very very hard
MrMoon said:
agreed the daddy but very very hard

On the tough end of the scale, yes.

But if you want an online guns only furball, to match as much fun as Doom clone shoot-em ups ... Then it can be dead easy as well.

F4 to F4 AF is pretty scalable, always has been. And Unlike Doom clones, you learn something "almost real" each time you play it and get deeper into it.

I don't mind folk knocking a sim or game, but if they are going to do so, at least qualify why they think its not a good idea. Comments like ... its "very very hard" with no grasp of what the OP wanted just serve to confuse the issue.

If you Know F4, you will know its basic training modules, you will know you don't have to do Ramp starts or any of the rest of it if you don't want to.

For those that persevere, I can tell you from first hand experience F4 is one of the more rewarding multiplay flight sims out there, EVEN at its most basic "1 minute set up" Dogfight Furball modes.

If you haven't tried it, don't knock it, or go have a game of Solitaire if its all to much for you :p

Mr Bulbous said:
Yes. I can vouch for that, flown a HE111 in IL2 FB on Hyperlobby and had a multiplay crew, you can swap between stations in the bomber if you want. But you need to choose an online scenario that supports this.

If your (online friend in another town) decides to man the front gun/bomb aiming position in a HE 111, you "as a Pilot" can use the virtual cockpit to scroll down and see him there moving about, if he decides to man another position, you will just see his empty position.

Quite cool really.

How do you do this then? When you select your airfield and plane you will spawn with your own plane? :confused:
I honestly cant remember the exact step by step procedure m8. must have been a year so ago I tried this.

It was actually my cousin who hosted the game on Hyperlobby, and he asked one of the regulars who participate there how to do it, he got us up and going and I joined the server when it was ready. I flew the HE111 at that time.

But yes, it can be done and I'd like to try it again.

Sorry I cant be any more specific than that.

The IL2 forums on SimHQ are pretty good for info on this sim, maybe have a look there or sign up there and ask?

I really need to get back into this sim ;)
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