Actually sod it i'm gonna prove my point even more
BT (Brian Transeau) is a fantastic producer. He edits every single note, drum beat etc from every instrument used to precisely (we're talking nanoseconds here) the note length required for EVERY single track he makes. He manually edits drum kicks, hihats, EVERYTHING to exactly the right frequency on EVERY single track he makes. He uses unreal note values (notes that can't be written using traditional music techniques) and has pioneered/invented numerous edm techniques. He doesn't use midi because it's 'only' accurate to milliseconds and he works with mathematicians to ensure a sequence of music he is produces is perfectly right. Oh and he can play LOADS of instuments, he can sing AND conduct a full 300 piece orchestra. Basically BT is the man.
Here is an tiny example of what i'm talking about
BT - Last Moment Of Clarity, from his album 'Emotional Technology'. Listen to the sounds at the beginning that are almost like raindrops. That sound was recorded during a thunderstorm outside his house with a looping drum beat sound coming from his studio. He took the raindrops and edited EVERY single drop to 1/256th of a note and that recording runs though the entire track.
Another example, he was casually working on a track (i forget which one) with a friend/vocalist in a field and with his acustic guitar. They wrote the track and lyrics and after working on in the studio somehow it didn't sound right to him. Solution? He went back to the field and recorded the ambient noise and bullfrogs croaking and layed it underneath the track.
Another example; he completely altered some of the lyrics from a vocal recording for the final release, not by getting the singer to resing the song but by using the sylables from other words to make the new lyrics
EDIT\\ i can't belive i'm comparing BT to darude - sandstorm