Recomendations for new keyboard

26 Jun 2013
I have just ordered a Corsair Raptor K50 Gaming Keyboard from OCUK, but appears out of stock for a while, what can you recommend based on the following please

-needs to be illuminated
-Brown or Black Cheery MS
-not a huge gamer but would like to be able to if and when needed
-Anti Ghosting etc
-around the £70 mark

thanks in advance.
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The Logitech G710+ (I have one and think it's awesome) would fit those criteria but it's well out of your price range, unless you'd consider raising it?

The SteelSeries 6Gv2 would be a neat option but unfortunately it's not illuminated.

I just remembered OCUK are stocking the Ducky boards now which are great and this one could fit the bill -

It's out of stock at the time of posting though.
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You need to raise your price up to around the £100 mark to get illuminated keys - plenty of choice at that price point.
If you can track one down a CM quickfire TK should fit the spec.
Red illuminated keys with brown switches and around the £70 mark.
The CM STORM QUICK FIRE TK with brown switches has white back lighting if I'm not not mistaken. Red on red switches and blue on blue switches. A bit of quick internet searching will get you what you want and for under £70.00 as well. It's the keyboard I wanted but the wife wouldn't let me have due to noise of keys.
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That keyboard is well reviewed but I think you could do better at that price point depending on preference of course.
I had the QPAD MK-85 before the G710+ and I did like it, but unfortunately the backlight wouldn't turn off when the computer went off, which is something a lot of people have experienced; you may not though.

What about the Ducky range, do any of those look good to you?
the Ducky range look fine, but I think they are very expensive for what you are getting, most other keyboards in that price range seem to have a lot more features.....At the end of the day a £100 odd on a keyboard is madness, so it has to be right...
They are expensive but they're also very well made and solid, the QPAD isn't bad however it is a re-branded 'churned out' iOne keyboard that other brands use as well, which kind of takes the shine off it. A lot of people don't rate iOne at all for reliability etc.
right, found the K70 for £99 and everywhere stocks the k95 for £129, do you think the difference is worth spending on the k95??
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