Recommend a 5.25" to USB External Caddy?

6 Jul 2007
Sussex, UK
I've got a 5.25" optical drive that I use quite regularly to rip DVDs and BluRays, but I've just switched to a Mini ITX case without a slot. So I'm in need of an external caddy; there's plenty of Chinese products, or adapaters with questionable claims regarding powering a 5.25" optical drive. Can anyone recommend a quality brand or specific external caddy for a full-size 5.25" optical drive, ideally USB 3.0?
Did you get one in the end?
I am currently looking for one and can't seem to find one that is both decent quality and in stock.
I forgot all about this thread; independently though I ordered the OWC Mercury Pro. Annoyingly I didn't check the compatible lengths as my optical drive is too long to fit properly; but it works regardless, a little bit more than I was wanting to spend though.
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