Recommend a tv series for me

I would agree US Office is one of the better comedies ever made. I just can't watch the UK version
The thing with the UK office was how perfect it was at replicating the talking head documentaries of the time like airport and all the others. The office UK felt so real like it was one of those shows but just following an even funnier more cringy version of the talking head bosses we had seen in other shows.

And the side characters felt real, dawn, Tim etc were really well grounded.

Now those type of shows have gone, it's hard to appreciate the style or even understand why it's done in that way, as no other comedy I can think of is done so "realistically".

The us office is just like any other us comedy. Silly things happen in a silly way in x place. This is fine, I just don't find that style interesting or funny as it's almost too predictable, like imagine before each joke you have a friend saying "wait here's comes a joke" "wait here comes another joke". It'd kill the joke and I feel thst way throughout the entire series.
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