Recommend a wireless Router?



9 Aug 2005
hello all

can anyone recommend me a wireless router:

i have been recomended a netgear dg834g by yewen any dfeedback on this would be great and others as well.

A router for cable or ADSL?

If ADSL, then I've not had many problems with the DG834G's, but they can be a bit iffy if your SNR isn't too hot - shouldn't be an issue if you're not on Max.
Burbleflop said:
A router for cable or ADSL?

If ADSL, then I've not had many problems with the DG834G's, but they can be a bit iffy if your SNR isn't too hot - shouldn't be an issue if you're not on Max.


thanks for getting back to me, i got pipex, i,m not sure i know what you mean about snr and on max, the speed is 250kbps and 2-3 pcs will share the connection.


p.s i know about the speed :)
ATI said:
i got pipex

So it's ADSL.

IPStream Max = "up to 8Mbps, with rate adaption et al".

the speed is 250kbps

You do mean 250 kilobits per second as in home250, yes?

i,m not sure i know what you mean about snr

Look at the FAQ for an explanation of SNR, and look at whatever kit you've got already. You might be able to extract an SNR (Margin) from it (somehow, there's instructions for some devices in said FAQ) - if it varies significantly over the course of 24 hours, you might have issues.
If home250's all you can get, then there's a good chance your line's marginal as it is.

p.s i know about the speed :)

Huh? :confused:
tolien said:
So it's ADSL.

IPStream Max = "up to 8Mbps, with rate adaption et al".

You do mean 250 kilobits per second as in home250, yes?

Look at the FAQ for an explanation of SNR, and look at whatever kit you've got already. You might be able to extract an SNR (Margin) from it (somehow, there's instructions for some devices in said FAQ) - if it varies significantly over the course of 24 hours, you might have issues.
If home250's all you can get, then there's a good chance your line's marginal as it is.

Huh? :confused:

thanks a lot for that, when i said i know about the speed i know its slow, so back to the router, you also recommending the netgear d834g.
i'm in the DG834G camp. using mine on it's original firmware (never once been updated, its got uptime of months, with 3 wireless clients and a wired client)
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