Recommend an MMORPG for a newbie

12 Nov 2012
I am looking to get into an MMORPG.
I have always mainly played fps and still enjoy them but as i'm getting older and reactions are slowing down a little, I really fancy getting into a slower paced, character progression, based game that still has the multiplayer aspect. I would like a game that sometimes I can solo and sometimes mp, all depending how I'm feeling.
It would need to look good graphically and have good character progression that you can really get stuck into.
Looking through steam there are some good suggestions but after reading reviews I'm just not sure. I quite fancy the Elder Scrolls Online as it's an ongoing franchise with regular dlc to keep the interest, even considered WOW but I'd be really late to the party and don't want to pay subscription.

It's all a bit confusing for a noob to the genre :confused:

thanks in advance:)
For a good starter MMO, I'd suggest either Elder Scrolls Online or Guild Wars 2. Both are easy to get into, easy to play, have a wealth of content, offer various PvP modes if wanted and are easily soloable for times when you dont have friends online.
Why not move to co-op FPS like Insurgency Sandstorm? Less noticeable for us older lot!

GW2 or Elder Scrolls Online are decent suggestions to be honest, there are few MMOs I'd personally try these days but have played GW2 in the past and ESO is the current big hitter.
Elder Scrolls Online or Guild Wars 2 would be my first suggestions, if you don't want a subscription. They're both buy to play, i.e. buy the game and play for free, although they do have real life money shops and try and temp you to buy things to make life easier. Elder Scrolls Online also has an optional subscription which includes several benefits, but it's not 'required' however I do subscribe myself. I'd also consider Black Desert Online, it wasn't for me personally but it did look nice and is regularly in the Steam sales for £3.99 for the base game.
I'll nth ESO. Perfectly soloable, and if you don't care about crafting it's F2P.

The crafting in ESO i think is enjoyable, it's worth diving into if you're not usually a crafter, and the way GW2 has done their mounts is literally the best out there currently.

GW2 or ESO are your best bet OP.
I'm slightly put off from ESO by the large amount of DLC. How mandatory is it?

Not at all, the base campaign is plenty to get on with. You also get all the DLC for free as long as you have a subscription, so you can binge out on DLC for a month then cancel knowing you've done it. But you won't, because once you have experienced the joys of the bottomless crafting bag you won't want to stop. :D
I'm currently back playing ESO and it's brilliant to dip in and out of. It's by far the best experience for solo players or people like me who tend to play in short stints.

I can nip on for 30 mins and still feel like I've accomplished something, whether it be a main story quest or just some random world boss / dolmen hunting.

It also looks pretty decent and has a lot to offer for people who really want to get involved in end game PvP or PvE.

Thanks main issue I have is being overwhelmed by things to do!
Wow, thanks for all the replies :)

I have decided to go with ESO. Seems a perfect start for me from all your comments.
Will post an update once I get a few hours into the game.
I did not realise GW2 was so popular? I played it for a month on release and never looked at it again. Might have to go have another look.
I did not realise GW2 was so popular? I played it for a month on release and never looked at it again. Might have to go have another look.

With it having a megaserver and level scaling, I'm always surprised by how busy the zones are when I log on. Even the more remote parts of the world are still busy and there seems to be a constant influx of new players.
With it having a megaserver and level scaling, I'm always surprised by how busy the zones are when I log on. Even the more remote parts of the world are still busy and there seems to be a constant influx of new players.
I downloaded it last night, cant find my old char, only a level 2. I know I was ~20 so thats a bit weird. Going to give it a go today.
Get guild wars 2 on sale asap.

Newest living world episode is really good, and Anet's environment design is always spectacular.
I add a vote for ESO. I picked the basic edition up at the end of last year and there's plenty to do and explore. I now have a second copy to adventure together with my kids.
GW2 - fantastic game, played for so many hours. Base game is F2P as well so can have a go without spending a penny.
Shocked at all the ESO love, it's by far my least favourite MMO and I've literally played them all.

My recommendation for you would be Star Wars: The Old Republic - amazing single player experience
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