Recommend me a 19" tft/lcd moniter

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
At the moment I have an iilama vision master pro 450 which has so far been an absolute gem :)

However lugging it about uni is annoying, and plus i've been told that flat screens nowadays have a comparable performance so I was thinking about upgrading.

Budget aside what would you guys recommend?

It's usually on a resolution of 1600x1200, and I never ever play games on it. I only use my computer for general use, work and watching DVD's.
19" LCD only do 1280x1024 but 24" 1900x1200 are very expensive.
I am happy with my vp930; though 8ms is not the fastest it has good contrast which I prefer in games too.
if you're using the screen for general use with no worry for gaming then maybe a WS 20" model (or even 24" model) might be most suited to your needs? The WS format is really nice for movie playback, and also for side by side multitasking. The Dell 2405FPW would be an excellent choice for all these purposes, if you have the budget. If not, maybe some 20" models like the Dell 2005FPW and Belinea 102035W would be your best choice :)
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