Recommend me a Bundle upgrade...

24 Sep 2017
Current rig; i5 - 4430 (Corsair H60 AIO) + 8gb 2400 (Vengeance) + MSi Gaming 5 mobo z97 - GTX 1060-6gb + Samsung EVO 500gb - 540 Carbide + 750W Bronze Corsair PSU + ACER GSYNC monitor

Use case :- Solid 1440p Gaming Rig (no workstation stuff) to last next 3 years.

I'm wanting to replace my CPU+MOBO+RAM - sticking with INTEL , and shifting upto 16gb RAM.

For £700...Any recommendations for best bang for my buck given use case?
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I'll add in, I play ARMA3 a lot! :)

This one in particular...£679.94* for the i5-8600k + 16gb RAM


I'm looking at these on the z370 - But I'm open to advice like "Avoid X-Mobo" or "I would actually do this...." or "You can do better if you buy x and y, and then buy Z from elsewhere etc".
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Sell your 1060 to increase your budget and buy a 1080ti and i7-8700(if you MB can take it)

i7-8700 won't fit a z97 MOBO...So the whole point, is I'm replacing my CPU+MOBO+RAM as I'm like 4 generations behind, in terms of Mobo Gen, and 3 in CPU (Skylake, Kabylake, Coffeelake).

What is this fascination with having a FLAGSHIP GPU, on a 3 Gens behind CPU and a Mobo/RAM that's like 4 Gens behind?

GTX 1080 TI on it's own is £900....And doesn't solve my CPU being old, and my Mobo and RAM.
That isn't the premise of this post...The premise is that I want a Bundle that will allow me to upgrade my CPU+RAM+MOBO, so I can continue gaming at 1440p. My Graphics are fine, and if necessary I can always downgrade the quality to keep the FPS up, the issue is I'm massively behind on the CPU and the generations of mobos. (I can buy another GPU next year)

Games like ARMA3 don't care about Graphics, they care about CPU.

If I'd wanted to replace my GPU, I'd have said so above...
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