Recommend me a good Tripod & or Monopod

Matt said:
What would be a good head for a Manfrotto 190pro? i'm unsure as to which type to go for yet, so some advise would be great :)

Either T&P or Ball.

To get a decent Ball head will cost a bit of money, where for £50 can get you a very good P&T head. The 141RC I have is a decent a cheap P&T head. There are better ones than that but cost more.
Another recommendation for Manfrotto, my Mrs. bought me these this month, apparently "to take photo's during our honeymoon in Paris", my eyes of course lit up but my hopes were dashed when pointed out that she expected actual pictures of Paris.


055CLB legs (£110) and 222 head (£65). You don't realise how flimsy your old tripod is until you handle one of these.
another vote for manfrotto, i picked up a 055 pro b legs yesterday and they are built like a tank. also comes with a built in spirit level :)
Got myself a 055 MF4 and it's fantastic (got a 460MG head, but may replace it with a ball head at some point)

A decent tripod is better than any IS/VR ever will be
Another vote for the Manfrotto 055Pro legs here, though I use a 460MG head with mine ;) Perfect head for me, though not everyones cup of tea.
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