Recommend me a whole Fruit Juicer

18 Oct 2002
my mums trying too find a decent whole Fruit Juicer, but no idea which one too get !

Has too be easy cleaning, and take whole fruits any recommendations is appreciated thx
Don't get a juicer just get a small blender and blend whole fruit. You will get all the fiber and everything and it's much better for you.

When you use a juicer you are basically just taking all the sugar out so it's not much better than drinking a coke. You get the vitamins but you are still getting an unhealthy insulin spike from all that fructose.

My favorite is banana and spinach smoothies.

Take a small banana, some young coconut water and a few handfuls of baby spinach leafs and blend it up. Some times I put celery and grapes in it as well.

Here's a good one :D
Don't get a juicer just get a small blender and blend whole fruit. You will get all the fiber and everything and it's much better for you.

When you use a juicer you are basically just taking all the sugar out so it's not much better than drinking a coke. You get the vitamins but you are still getting an unhealthy insulin spike from all that fructose.

My favorite is banana and spinach smoothies.

Take a small banana, some young coconut water and a few handfuls of baby spinach leafs and blend it up. Some times I put celery and grapes in it as well.

Here's a good one :D


Clearly there are one too many 9s in that price.

It's a blender....
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