Recommend Me An External Hard Drive

13 Oct 2006

I'm looking for an external harddrive for backing up my music/files/game saves etc. Capacity can be either 60bg or 80gb. Not fussed about power coming from USB or adaptor.

I've been looking at the Western Digital Passport 60gb/80gb models... does anyone have any thoughts on these, or on another brand that might fit the bill?

Many thanks.

Calm down, calm down, some of us have a job to do too ;)

If you can get away with <100Gb then go with a 2.5" disk, that way it'll be USB powered. You could go for a separate drive and caddy then put them together yourself, might be cheaper plus you can choose the make of disk you want. Warranty might be longer on a separate disk, it certainly is for 3.5" prebuilt externals.
rpstewart said:
Calm down, calm down, some of us have a job to do too ;)

If you can get away with <100Gb then go with a 2.5" disk, that way it'll be USB powered. You could go for a separate drive and caddy then put them together yourself, might be cheaper plus you can choose the make of disk you want. Warranty might be longer on a separate disk, it certainly is for 3.5" prebuilt externals.

Many thanks for replying, however I'm not really looking to hobble something together myself (hard drive/caddie), I'm more inclined to buy something "off the shelf" so to speak... which is why I indicated my interest in the Western Digital Passport series.

Thanks all the same, though.
I have an external WD drive. 400GB USB2 Firewire 400/800 and very quiet. The software provided sucks ass though.

Western Digital WDG1C4000 MyBook Premium 400GB Firewire 400 / USB 2.0 External Hard Drive (HD-089-WD)
Has anyone got a seagate external USB Drive?

I've notice the 320Gb drives are going for £80 which seems a pretty good offer.

I've not been a fan of Seagate but the price might be tempting.
I got a WD a few weeks back...

It failed soon after, but it had the nerve to wait until I had copied a whole load of stuff onto it first.

I then got a Seagate 320 and its doing fine... Sort of.

I have ripped the HD out of it, chucked it into the missus' PC and put an 80GB in there instead.
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