Recommend me some cans for £100 mark

I'm still undecided about how good my Audio Technica's are atm, so the best sounding set of cans that I have had were the Beyerdynamic 770 Pro's. Go for them (the 80Ohm version) you won't be disappointed :)
greenlizard0 said:
I'm still undecided about how good my Audio Technica's are atm, so the best sounding set of cans that I have had were the Beyerdynamic 770 Pro's. Go for them (the 80Ohm version) you won't be disappointed :)
How is the bass on the Audio Technicas? I really don't know whether to get the A700s, AD700s or DT 770 Pros. Did you use an amplifier with your DT 770 Pros? I want to order some headphones tonight, but i feel the A700 would probably sound better without an amplifier, whereas i'd need one with the DT 770 Pros (80 ohm) to get my money's worth.
Mansize_tissue said:
How is the bass on the Audio Technicas? I really don't know whether to get the A700s, AD700s or DT 770 Pros. Did you use an amplifier with your DT 770 Pros? I want to order some headphones tonight, but i feel the A700 would probably sound better without an amplifier, whereas i'd need one with the DT 770 Pros (80 ohm) to get my money's worth.

The bass is very good on the Audio Technica's.

I didn't have a headphone amp, though it just meant that I had to turn the volume up slightly when the DT 770 Pro's were plugged into my computer.
greenlizard0 said:
The bass is very good on the Audio Technica's.

I didn't have a headphone amp, though it just meant that I had to turn the volume up slightly when the DT 770 Pro's were plugged into my computer.
Oh, cool, because i don't really plan on getting an amplifier if i got the DT 770 Pros. They still went loud enough though, right? Although, i don't want to have to turn them up really loud just so i can hear highs and mids over the huge bass. God, i really don't know what to get. Either the A700s, AD700s or DT 770 Pros. It's just too difficult. :(

dark_shadow, sorry you don't know of any place you can try the headphones out. I believe the place i visited in Norwich have a store in Sheffield, too. I can't name it, but if you search something like "sheffield sound store" in Google UK you should be able to find it in the first few hits. I wasn't able to try them in the store, in fact i didn't really ask to, i just asked to try them on. They only had the 250 ohm ones anyway.
I'm going for the Sennheisser HD595's, I called a popular retailer and they price match with UK websites so at £80 collected, I think that's a good deal considering they sell them for £100! :)

Will be collecting them in the evening :)
Mansize_tissue said:
Oh, cool, because i don't really plan on getting an amplifier if i got the DT 770 Pros. They still went loud enough though, right? Although, i don't want to have to turn them up really loud just so i can hear highs and mids over the huge bass. God, i really don't know what to get. Either the A700s, AD700s or DT 770 Pros. It's just too difficult. :(

dark_shadow, sorry you don't know of any place you can try the headphones out. I believe the place i visited in Norwich have a store in Sheffield, too. I can't name it, but if you search something like "sheffield sound store" in Google UK you should be able to find it in the first few hits. I wasn't able to try them in the store, in fact i didn't really ask to, i just asked to try them on. They only had the 250 ohm ones anyway.

The DT770 Pro's were closed anyway, but yes you did have to turn the volume up but not so your ears would hurt or anything. Get them they're well worth it. I'd say they're about equal with my Audio Technica's are starting to burn in and sound great!
I'll be interested to know what you think, although I've kinda already made up my mind with Grado SR-80 (will be buying soon) after a much needed upgrade from sony mx500 or whatever they're called (i'm not lazy, just not at home!) were about 20 quid from [a high store music chain of some description] They are 45% brown tape now :)
greenlizard0 said:
The DT770 Pro's were closed anyway, but yes you did have to turn the volume up but not so your ears would hurt or anything. Get them they're well worth it. I'd say they're about equal with my Audio Technica's are starting to burn in and sound great!
OK, i'm not about to buy either the DT 770 Pros or A700s. One last time, now your ATs are burning in, which do you think would be better for gaming? Bearing in mind i play Oblivion, CS:S (occasionally), Battlefield 2142 (those sort of games) and also talk to people with teamspeak (oh, and i don't intend to buy an amplifier). I value your opinion immensely, and i'm pretty much basing this purchase on what you're going to say; no pressure, though. :p

Thank you.
Mansize_tissue said:
OK, i'm not about to buy either the DT 770 Pros or A700s. One last time, now your ATs are burning in, which do you think would be better for gaming? Bearing in mind i play Oblivion, CS:S (occasionally), Battlefield 2142 (those sort of games) and also talk to people with teamspeak (oh, and i don't intend to buy an amplifier). I value your opinion immensely, and i'm pretty much basing this purchase on what you're going to say; no pressure, though. :p

Thank you.

The DT770 Pro's. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE 80Ohm VERSION THOUGH!!. BTW - if you read my posts above I got the AT ATH A900, not the 700's lol!

Another thing I have only ever played Quake 4 and Lost Planet in recent years so I don't really know with games. I think with the games it'll be up to how good your sound card is as well :).

But in short - aye go for the DT770 Pro's if the choice is between your aforementioned two! :)
greenlizard0 said:
The DT770 Pro's. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE 80Ohm VERSION THOUGH!!. BTW - if you read my posts above I got the AT ATH A900, not the 700's lol!

Another thing I have only ever played Quake 4 and Lost Planet in recent years so I don't really know with games. I think with the games it'll be up to how good your sound card is as well :).

But in short - aye go for the DT770 Pro's if the choice is between your aforementioned two! :)
OK, then. Thank you very much. I'm going to be pairing them with an X-Fi Platinum Fatal1ty Champion Series sound card. Although, it sure would be nice to get the X-Fi Prelude; i don't think i can wait that long, though.
Mansize_tissue said:
OK, then. Thank you very much. I'm going to be pairing them with an X-Fi Platinum Fatal1ty Champion Series sound card. Although, it sure would be nice to get the X-Fi Prelude; i don't think i can wait that long, though.

Does that have a IO box/front panel? It's where my headphones connect to and it really does give you more freedom than having a wire trawling to the back of your machine!
greenlizard0 said:
Does that have a IO box/front panel? It's where my headphones connect to and it really does give you more freedom than having a wire trawling to the back of your machine!
Yes, yes it does. I thought it would be worth the investment, because it means i don't have to unplug my speakers if i want to attach my headphones. Plus, i can adjust the volume on it. I'm ording the stuff now; i can't wait!
Mansize_tissue said:
Yes, yes it does. I thought it would be worth the investment, because it means i don't have to unplug my speakers if i want to attach my headphones. Plus, i can adjust the volume on it. I'm ording the stuff now; i can't wait!

Good stuff let us know what you think :)
Going on the Genres listed (bar Rock) and lack of an amp it would be foolish to get anything other than the dt 770Pro's 80ohm version imo.

If you wanted to sacrifice some the (some would say excessive) bass for a better top end then the HD-25's would be better.
Just got back home with my 50ohm Sennheissers HD595, I never knew headphones could be so comfy. Just tried one song with it and sounds very impressive, better than my Shure E2C's which I didn't expect.

Love the fact that they're open, can hear around me, no late night pr0n though :o

I'm very impressed for £80, love the fact that the cable is long, can now lay in bed and listen to music, the holder is pretty neat too :)
dark_shadow said:
Just got back home with my 50ohm Sennheissers HD595, I never knew headphones could be so comfy. Just tried one song with it and sounds very impressive, better than my Shure E2C's which I didn't expect.

Love the fact that they're open, can hear around me, no late night pr0n though :o

I'm very impressed for £80, love the fact that the cable is long, can now lay in bed and listen to music, the holder is pretty neat too :)
Ah, cool. 'Glad you like them. Have you tried them for any games yet, and how is the bass on them?
Right I've tried CSS in 5.1 mode, changing the settings would just be a chore when swapping between my surround sound and headphones. The sound was very clear. However, I always play CSS with music so no big deal, I did just have a frag for about 20 minutes and I could hear footsteps in between walls which is like almost cheating :D

I have my headphones set to my custom 5.1 settings and the sounds are more rigid and bassier which gives it more of a punch compared to the headphone settings, which is fairly soft for hip hop, the high's and mid's are very noticeable in this setting. The headphone setting on my soundcard is software it sounds a lot softer,

Just tried a couple of hip hop albums (DJ Shadow, The Roots, The Neptunes (N*E*R*D) and Timabland. Also tried some Bloc Party, Goo Goo Dolls and Armin Van Buuren.

Bloc party just sounded absolutely beautiful at 256 :cool:

The bass is rather lacking, it sounds soft . . don't get me wrong it sounds good but it just doesn't have that 'punch' to it. However to balance it, acoustic & trance music sounds very nice.

One problem I have, 128 bitrate ripped music is fairly easy to identify, can even hear the hisses etc :eek:

These headphones are definitely the jack of all trades :)

Whilst typing I must have changed each paragraph every couple of mins as my thoughts kept changing each time I changed the settings. I still think I have a bit to learn in order to achieve settings that will sound good on both headphones and 5.1 surround.
dark_shadow said:
One problem I have, 128 bitrate ripped music is fairly easy to identify, can even hear the hisses etc :eek:

I remember having to listen to all my music again and re-encoding some of it from cd up to 256kbs. It's bizarre what a good set of cans can do :)
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