Oh, cool, because i don't really plan on getting an amplifier if i got the DT 770 Pros. They still went loud enough though, right? Although, i don't want to have to turn them up really loud just so i can hear highs and mids over the huge bass. God, i really don't know what to get. Either the A700s, AD700s or DT 770 Pros. It's just too difficult.
dark_shadow, sorry you don't know of any place you can try the headphones out. I believe the place i visited in Norwich have a store in Sheffield, too. I can't name it, but if you search something like "sheffield sound store" in Google UK you should be able to find it in the first few hits. I wasn't able to try them in the store, in fact i didn't really ask to, i just asked to try them on. They only had the 250 ohm ones anyway.