I'm quite liking the Q accoustics. At 1st I wasn't keen on the sound, but after breaking in, it's become better. Sounds good even at low volumes.
They do have some annoyances though. For example, they are overzealous with turning the internal amp off. Every time audio stops or pauses on Bluetooth or USB input, it turns the amp off which causes a click. So every time Spotify moves to next track, you stop and play Youtube, there's a click.
If you switch to analogue in, this is prevented since there's no amplitude checking to see if there's a signal coming in constantly, so the amp stays on. Not a massive deal, most of the other options were analogue only anyway. Also I mostly listen to long mixes or long live performances, rather than lots of small tracks.
Not sure they need a sub tbh either. The bass is subtle and clean, but just enough to round the music off on the bottom end to prevent it sounding weak.