Recommend me some good headphones

Ah I see, well im after more comfort. As long as the sound is good for things like Obilivion and Warcraft (love the sounds of birds, and the swaying trees to be good).

My current Medusa don't sit right on my head anymore. I have some old Philips SBC-HP250 headphones and they sit really well on my head, they encase my ears very well.

So these headphones are like that? Good for movies too?
Sennheiser are good for everything :) Grado are more toned to music for the front row at a gig feeling hence the more central sound stage. I had the SR60 which are almost the same as the SR80 but with different pads. They cost twice as much as my HD485 but I was wowed by the sound stage of the Sennheiser after I bought them. So much so that I returned the Grado cans and never looked back.

I have all PC sound being fed from an XFI (previously a TB Santa Cruz) to a 1994 Kenwood receiver (later models are not so great, think this era was one of the best tbh) and it sounds ace via the speakers and headphones alike!
Don't discount AKG and Beyerdynamic too, they make some really nice headphones. AKG K240 Studio have a lovely open sound. The Grados mentioned wouldn't suit films btw.

No problems with comfort with Sennheiser, they're very light and they don't touch your ears at all.
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