Recommend me some LAN games

10 Oct 2004
I'm off to a LAN with a few mates on Friday and as usual, we're debating which games to play. We usually play CS, Age of Empires, Battlefield Vietnam etc but are looking for something new. Minimum system spec is an AMD Athlon 2500+ with a 9800 Pro.

How about some racing games? They're pretty fun on a lan. I just started playing Flatout 2 and that's great to play on a LAN with a bunch of people.

The destruction derby mode is :cool:
Mulder said:
Oooh, is that like the old Destruction Derby game on the PS? Proper damage to cars etc.
Aye. Wheels fall off when you get completely battered. Engine catches fire etc. lol. Its pretty cool. Full car body damage flying all over the place.

Destruction derby is an unbeatable classic though, but Flatout 2 is still pretty good.
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