Best LAN'able games

1 Nov 2005
Essex, UK

I'm going to be hosting a LAN party in a couple of weeks and wondered what games we should play.

We normally play:

  • UT2004
  • F.E.A.R.
  • Doom 3
  • FarCry

We tried Total War: Rome, but we all got pretty bored with it. Nothing like running around and shooting a mate in the face is there? ;)

We're all happy to try out some new ones, can anyone suggest some good ones please?
WarCraft III
C&C Generals
Counter-Strike (1.6 / Source)
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Battlefield 2
Quake 4
I can't add too much to what has already been suggested as its been a long time since I've played multiplayer but have you considered racing games, last time I played on a LAN we were playing Toca 2 and Carmageddon 2(just as an example of how long ago) and they were awesome fun. There are probably newer games out to offer similar options.
I enjoyed Farcry multiplayer, need a few people tho with those big maps. The delta force games can be fun (not black hawk down, doesn't deserve the name of delta force) Can be fun running the missions with extra people and then killing them from a mile away, gotta love those balistics :D .

redalert. easy - attack fast or build base and churn out units. excellent fun

u will need to enable ipx by changing a couple of things on the ipx connection. set your computer to 100000000 and other(s) to 0000001, 0000002, 000000003. Something liek that anyway :)
And while you're having pizza/beers/chilling from the serious gaming, you need to have Worms world party :D just to have a good old chill and a big laugh
Red Alert 2
System Shock 2 (If your PC will run it, it doesn't really like newer OSs)
Dawn of War / Winter Assault
Warcraft 2 (If your PC will run it, it doesn't really like newer OSs)
Warcraft 3
Team Fortress (Orginal 2.8)
Rocket Arena
Quake 2
Rocket Arena
Team DM
Quake 3
Half Life

a lot of those are dependant on:
1) If the PCs will run them
2) How many of you there are
Dawn of War/Winter Assault (Get the total war mod for Dawn of War. Unlimited units.)

Unreal Tournament(Unfortunately I got motion sickness from playing this for more than an hour :()

Wacraft 3



Aliens Vs Predator 2
Kreeeee said:
Pretty much any RTS game will go down well in a LAN, moreso than FPS games IMO.

Yep. A weird one I know but BFME II is excellent if you play siege levels such as Minas Tirith, Helm's Deep, Minas Morgul etc n. Absolutely epic battles and loads of fun.
50 on 50 mammoth tanks is great fun on lan, especially when you abomb your mates powerstations mid battle and send a tanya in to destroy their entire base. then churn out more units and you win :)
geeza said:
50 on 50 mammoth tanks is great fun on lan, especially when you abomb your mates powerstations mid battle and send a tanya in to destroy their entire base. then churn out more units and you win :)
Unfortunately that's the limit of red alerts strategy :(
What about SWAT 4?
Best coop game out there! Well according to pczone.

Nothing like using your tazer on your mate just as he walks into a room full of terrorists! :D
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