recommend me some new games

9 Dec 2006
got myself a lg cx 48" as a pc monitor & loving it.

its much better in couch gaming experience mode eg sitting back with a controller

anyone got any further suggestions.

Tomb raider (all)
WWE/F1 2019
rocket league
Mark of the Ninja

any other further suggestions?
any specific genre you like ? rally ? racing ?, rpgs, FPS, ? stealth tactic game ? strategy ? i like to mix it up a bit, i could play cue club 2 for a while, then do a mission on desperados 3, then do a rally level on dirt rally or WRC 7, then slay some demons in Doom eternal
I'm not a fan of racing games at all (unless you count vintage Wipeout, Rollcage and Ridge Racer) but I thought Forza Horizon 4 was really good
If you like tombraider you might like star wars jedi fallen order or doom 2016 and doom eternal with their puzzle elements and secrets finding.I'd wager you'd enjoy star wars jedi fallen order a lot but it's a bad time to buy as just missed sale.
I'll echo Fallen Order, but also highly recommend The Division 1+2, just make sure to turn neutral lighting on in the game's settings. Especially for the 2nd, it makes it SO much more atmospheric.

DmC & Devil May Cry 5 are both very good also.
Shadow of War
Batman arkham series

Love both of those, and go really really well with controller in my mind.
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