recommend me some non FPS games

To echo what everyone else has said... try RTS. I got into it after realising I was playing nothing but FPS.

Perhaps try some adventure type things... the Prince of Persia series springs to mind, or Beyond Good & Evil.
cheers a couple of good suggestions that i will no doubt try, im also looking at getting command and conquer tiberian sun at the moment, used to love that game and havent played it in ages

id like to play emporer battle for dune again but for some reason it doesnt install :( gets to the end and crashs (apparently something to do with XP)
Can get Red Alert 2 and Tiberian Sun for 4 quid each delivered but I think it would be a competitor if i posted link :/

Edit: found a link to another. so head off to HMV £4 a piece
Just buy the first decade C&C. Has every C&C game ever made (12 of them) and starcraft. Should be all you ever need for single player and multiplayer respectively.
To name a few new - newish ones.

Titan Quest
Rise and Fall : Civilizations
Age of Empires 3 (though i personally prefer Age of Mythology with Exp)
X3 Reunion
Battle for Middle Earth 2


Few older.....

C&C Generals + Expansion
Need for Speed : Most Wanted
X2 The Threat
Deus Ex
Theme Hospital (old but very fun)
The Godfather
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