Recommended headphones

I got a set of HD555's plugged into a XFi Xtreme Music Card and I think their fantastic for Gaming and music and DVD's :)
Yeah, don't get Grado for gaming, they're uncomfortable and the sound only suits certain music. The narrow soundstage and thin bright sound wouldn't suit gaming at all.

Would like to try some Beyers some day (open ones though). I've owned Grado, Sennheiser and AKG and I so far I much prefer AKG.
Firegod said:
Sennheiser for me anyday.


I have the old model RS-85 headphones, they're awesome.

oooo they are very nice.

I just bought some Sennheiser PC150's today and they are very nice :D
Sennheiser HD280 Pros are very nice. Got them off the bay for £65 (inc official warranty card etc) (RRP £110). Considering the sound quality, I'd consider them very good bang for buck.


They are closed headphones which is good for gaming as it blocks out some background noises.
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Alexrose1uk said:
Sennheiser HD280 Pros are very nice. Got them off the bay for £65 (inc official warranty card etc) (RRP £110). Considering the sound quality, I'd consider them very good bang for buck.


They are closed headphones which is good for gaming as it blocks out some background noises.

very nice buy there for 65 :eek:
Right guys - got me headphones now but where in gods name do I plug em in?

Got a DFI lanparty mobo here with no instructions for the onboard sound and I dont just want to try each plug untill its right - anyone help me out here?

I have creative 7.1 speakers but even that has nothing on it to show where I am sposed to plug in the phones
i dunno then, probably a simple overlooked problem, but i dont have a clue.

please look at the recommend £50 headphones thread if youve responded on this one. :D
doopydug said:
Still getting no sound - thought this would be easy - used to just plug headphones in and get on with it.

It should be the Green one like stated, but it may be because you've been using 7.1 speakers that it's not setup right? Check in Control Panel > Sounds & Audio Devices that the speakers are set to Headphone, and that perhaps nothing is muted on the outputs. I take it onboard sound is enabled yeah? ;)
Firegod said:
It should be the Green one like stated, but it may be because you've been using 7.1 speakers that it's not setup right? Check in Control Panel > Sounds & Audio Devices that the speakers are set to Headphone, and that perhaps nothing is muted on the outputs. I take it onboard sound is enabled yeah? ;)

It turns out the green jack is busted. I can switch the settings on the other ones and they work fine with the headphones.
best headphones IMO sub £80 are sennheiser hd 485, as agreed by many head-fi-ers, even tho they cost £40 :D get them
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taz488 said:
best headphones sub £80 are sennheiser hd 485, as agreed by many head-fi-ers, even tho they cost £40 :D get them

oh gawd, do we have to spell it out for everyone again ?

the OP wants them for GAMING.
cans with a wide sound stage, CLOSED design and full coverage around the ear are prefered and more suited for gaming.

its like saying a range rover is the best car in the world... try racing one ! ( no sarcastic replies please im only tryign to get a point across )
Unless you need to game in a noisy environment, then I'd say open headphones shouldn't be ruled out for gaming, since they generally sound better.

In reference to the post by taz488, I don't see how anyone could conclusively say any headphone is the best for any particular price range without trying every single set available, which surely no one has done, and even if you did, you'd still have to account for particular tastes and uses. For instance the warm/soft Sennheiser sound doesn't suit every type of music.

Someone saying something is great is meaningless unless it's in the context of what they're comparing it to.
Ive been using HD555's for a few weeks now and they're great for gaming, i can hear shell casing drop crystal clear etc. Obviously closed headphones would be better for a noisey environment like say a lan but these are fine for gaming in a normal household.
fish 99, as i said people on head-fi seem to agree with that statement, and people on there own every headphone ever made.

im not going to bother any more, you obviously want poor headphones.
Not everyone on head-fi has used every set of headphones ever made, and you'll probably find as many people saying the best headphones under £80 are a set of Grados, or Beyers, or AKGs, as say it's Sennheisers.

And I'll say again, different headphones suit different kinds of music. For instance, Grado are terrible for classical, but superb for rock. So you could read a post by someone saying Grado make great headphones, not knowing they like rock music, buy them for classical and be terribly dissapointed. So it's worth knowing before you buy a set of headphones what music they are suited to. That's just common sense.
There's a difference between saying "HD485 are great quality IMO and they're only £40" and saying "best headphones sub £80 are sennheiser hd 485", as if it's an undisputed fact, rather than just an opinion. That's clearly going beyond just giving an idea of what's good quality.

I'm not knocking the HD485s btw, I've never heard them. Only good Sennheisers I've used are my brothers HD565 Ovations (he paid £150 for them about 5 years ago), which I personally found inferior to my cheaper AKGs, but that's just my opinion.
okay everyone to their own opinion, you should try some hd 485's, there great.

and ill edit my post just for you ;)
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