Recommended media player setup

22 Oct 2005
I've got an old synology NAS and a relatively new fireTV stick.

I use neflix, prime and iplayer on the fireTV stick, as well as kodi to watch stuff saved on my NAS.

Recently it feels like it's showing its age; films freezing, apps and failing to load, constant restarts required, just generally acting like it's on it's last legs (even though the stick is only a few months old).

I know I need to replace the NAS as it's so old the current version of the OS is end of life and can't be updated. I'm not sure if what other hardware to go with though. Any recommendations?

I know a dedicated media pc would be the most flexible, but I enjoy the simplicity of the fire TV UI and remote - there's no chance I'll get the wife and kids using a mouse and keyboard!

The smart functionality on my TV is rubbish, so I'll need a separate device(s).
Thanks for all the advice all.

The Nvidia shield does get good reviews, but I'm a bit wary about spending ~£200 on something that seems to be a bit long in the tooth.

Arguably all you need is something a little bit more modern to sit between your NAS and your firestick, and run Plex or Emby.
Either grab a second hand mini/tiny/micro hp/lenovo/dell office PC, or one of the many chinese mini PCs that are available. Install Plex or Emby on it, and then point it at the files on your NAS.
The firestick can then connect to Plex/Emby, and all the hard work is done by the mini PC (including transcoding if necessary), and neither the NAS or firestick should then struggle.
Would it not be simpler to get a NAS that can I can install Plex on (e.g. Synology DS423+), and skip the need for that something that sits in the middle? I'm guessing it's a bit cheaper and perhaps more flexible, but at the expense of added complexity.
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