Recover data from my HD :(

3 Jul 2005
its a Western Digital (WD800) IDE hd... hd was only produced on the 29th of sept 2004 and i think its packed in.... :( got some info and pics i really need to recover. I have done the following....

Basically by switching the pc on i get the options safe mode, safe mode with control panel etc etc start windows normally. About 5-6 different options...

No matter what i select windows xp bar starts loading up then pc resets and the options again re appear....

Tried re installing windows but says it needs to reformat the partition because its a bad hard drive.

Pressing F12 when pc is booted brings up the boot device menu.
Ive selected no.5 IDE drive diagnostics


Done a search on the ned and with Dell PC's a return code 7 means bad tracks or sectors.

Ive downloaded ultimate boot cd, and booted that up but there are no tools for western digital hard drives :(

Ive slaved the HD into a different pc and when the windows xp bar finishes loading there is a blank screen....

Again when setting the jumpers on CS what ever that means, but i did try it on CS on a different pc and it actually got into windows but said the drive needed formating? :( and the PC was really really slow....

I then downloaded this

Diag tool for my HD, ran the tool and it said that the sectors are too badly damaged to be repaired! And so gave me no option to repair it then :(

So now im stuck i really need to recover some of this data ! is there anything else out there that i could use guys???
If you have another windows PC (we'll call it machine B) -

Make sure the WDC drive is set to 'slave' or 'CS' on the jumpers, and install it into machine B. (CS means 'Cable select' - which means it will try not to conflict with the rest of the drives - a good thing).

Boot machine B up, but make sure the machine boots to machine B's own hard disk that has windows installed. You don't want to try booting onto your WDC disk because there's obviously something wrong with it. You can set the boot drive in your BIOS.

When it gets into windows, you should be able to see the WDC as a secondary drive (D:, E: or F: or something).

Run chkdsk on your WDC drive from within windows.

There are various drive recovery tools you can use to recover data from a damaged disk, maybe look at:

I'm surprised WD tools can't recover it though - that makes me think you might be stuffed :/
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