Recycling crisp packets + other packaging

I think most people would be more than happy to have their collected recycling pre-sorted so it doesn’t need to be done at the processing centre and more items can be collected at the same time.

Most councils prefer the quick and dirty method of chuck it all in the one bin and sort it out later.

The problem with the "pre-sort" approach is that you'd need a variety of different bins/boxes in order to put the correct recyclable into. I don't know about you, but i already have 4 wheelie bins (1 for compostable/garden waste, 1 for paper, 1 for plastics/bottles/tins, and 1 for general) and i'm not sure i'd want more to split out the various types of plastics that are recycled in different ways.

I personally think that most plastic recycling is a complete waste of time and deflects from the fact that we just shouldn't have single use plastics at all. Plastics are a serious pollution. They have already worked their way in to the food chain with little-understood consequences and no amount of recycling will help that. Eventually any plastic produced will end up as pollution. And, as OP correctly points out, the energy wasted recycling it is usually more than the plastic is actually worth.
We really need to consider life without the current plastics ( perhaps we can invent better ones? ) but right now we urgently need to stop single use plastics. Not recycle them, just stop them altogether.

Whilst i don't disagree with any of that, the issue is that to stop the use of virgin plastics would likely mean stopping production of many supply lines. Lots of money needs to be spent on researching viable alternatives. Walkers i believe have said they're bringing in biodegradable/compostable crisp packets by 2025 - why it's taking another 4 years to get to this stage, i've no idea. Perhaps the current biodegradable/compostable crisp packets aren't suitable yet.
We only have two, one for landfill, the other for recycling.

If you went down the separate it approach, you wouldn’t need a full sized bin for a start.
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