Red bull alcoholic drinks

wyrdo said:
There's also TVR which is Tequila, Vodka, Redbull - Never tried it but it sounds potent.

Sounds interesting - I like RB and vodka anyway so this one is possibly something I'd try :)
When I was in Finland I watch a guy put 3 bags of Fishermans friends in a mixer and pour in some vodka. He actually sold it as a drink to people and it was foulsky (didn't pay for it had a free shot).

Try Cider and black and chuck in a shot of red aftershock thats a nice drink.
Double Vodka Redbull's don't get me very drunk tbh....
Went down town a few weeks ago and drank quite a few (more than 6.... )
Wasn't drunk, I guess the redbull just counters out the drunkness for me with caffeine.

They recently carried out a study on this and although people feel that they are not as drunk when conducting a series of tests they were just as drunk as someone who is drinking Vodka and Coke.

Could lead to people feeling that they are safe to drive when in fact they are just as drunk as anyone else.
Takhisis said:
Sounds interesting - I like RB and vodka anyway so this one is possibly something I'd try :)

You should! two shots redbull, one shot tequila and one can RB if I remember correctly...

Kept me going all day at Space! :D

Ah... the memories!

BB x
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iBot said:
I was at the bar at the weekend ordering some drinks.

And the barman was preparing someone elses drinks, It looks like half a lager or cider with a can of red bull in it.


What drink was this and is it anygood?

(Redbull tastes like poop imho)

that drink sounds horid
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