Red Cross bans health packs in games

18 Oct 2002
Well, not quite, but it made a good headline. ;)

What they're basically doing though, is presumably get their logo removed from use in games. Which is fair enough I guess, since it IS a trademarked logo after all, but I dunno, it just bothers me. The thought of a health pack without a red cross on it is just...wrong. They GO together. Like mouse1 for fire, and putting small amounts of ammo into very large boxes, red cross health packs are a staple of any good FPS game, and it just won't feel right without it. :o

This calls for a petition and a protest. Fight the power, save the cross!
Green cross for the win!

Edit* made me laugh....

where the player is rewarded for using the emblem correctly. Such a game could reward the player for respecting the rules of war and thereby, help the Red Cross Movement with its work to promote such respect,"

Does this include shooting someone in the leg in COD then finishing them off with a headshot to reduce their suffering :D somehow i don't think a 'Geneva Convention' button would be much fun.
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It's not trademarked. It's kinda set aside for use by the Red Cross though. It's some weird thing, I forget quite how it works.

Anyway. I doubt they'll manage it. The red cross for health thing is ubiquitous. We've had it since... Doom certainly, and perhaps even Wolfenstein, but I'm not quite old enough to remember that :)

That's at least 10 years, and probably closer to 15. I doubt they can suddenly get the game industry out of the habit of using red crosses = health.
And picking up syringes in games is bad, it teaches children that picking up needles and sticking them in one self gives health.

Wolfenstein 3d picking up dinner on the floor and eating dog food, heals you!
So they have no consideration for us Virtual soldiers then whilst on the Battlefield.
How the hell are we s'posed to find a medic pack if there isn't a red cross to look out for.
So they fight to get it removed and we fall like flys whilst looking around for packs.
Have they no hearts, No feelings for us Virtual soldiers.
I like many others do my duty day in day out without complaint but really they go to far here.
I will always fight for my country but i can say this, without a red cross to look for i just can't say how effective i will be or how long i will last.

And seriously
Whether in a game or irl the Red Cross signifys and means the same to all. They should be proud of this and be happy that new generations of gamers will recognise the symbol and its meaning immedietly.
Save the Red Cross i say.
malc30 said:
So they have no consideration for us Virtual soldiers then whilst on the Battlefield.
How the hell are we s'posed to find a medic pack if there isn't a red cross to look out for.
So they fight to get it removed and we fall like flys whilst looking around for packs.
Have they no hearts, No feelings for us Virtual soldiers.
I like many others do my duty day in day out without complaint but really they go to far here.
I will always fight for my country but i can say this, without a red cross to look for i just can't say how effective i will be or how long i will last.

And seriously
Whether in a game or irl the Red Cross signifys and means the same to all. They should be proud of this and be happy that new generations of gamers will recognise the symbol and its meaning immedietly.
Save the Red Cross i say.

Amen, I was injured badly by a near miss from a tank shell yesterday evening during an operation in karkand, I would have been killed and forced to spawn again if it were not for the small red cross that ran toward me throwing large packages of drugs. Afterward I felt fine :)

I salute you small red cross!
Well, I guess that's all those pirates buggered then. Just how are the poor blighters going to find their buried booty now?
Does that mean that in games such as Call of Duty and such, medics will not be able to have a red cross on thier helmets or armbands?? This is just a bunch of cack. I think that the whole of England should sue the red cross for blatant plajurism of thier national flag. I'm sure that the flag was around a lot longer than the red cross.

Perhaps they could just say that all medics and medical packs are English...a loophole methinks!!
JonnyD said:
Perhaps they could just say that all medics and medical packs are English...a loophole methinks!!

You are far to clever for me and that idea is brilliaint. White square Red cross job done Guv'nor.
With help from jonnyD i give Red cross the Bird. :D
JonnyD said:
Does that mean that in games such as Call of Duty and such, medics will not be able to have a red cross on thier helmets or armbands??

They'll probably be carrying a collection box and will only heal you if you donate your loose change to their charity :/
Good to see waht one of the worlds biggest charities think is important, Next time I see a blood sucking monster after only £2 a week by direct debit I shall ask them if there lazy lawers need a raise!

On a different not I love annoying the direct debit collectors by saying I won't give them my bank deals but would like to offer few quid cash as they are not allowed to take it hehe! or asking them for there bank details so I can have there money always stresses them!
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